Thirty six

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT HAD MANAGED to keep her hickey covered from her brothers so they wouldn't hassle her with questions. Isla had taught her how to cover it up with makeup and Isla who was out of the loop, found out about Johnny and immediately wanted to start throwing punches.

Margot calmed her down before she went on a killing spree and ended up in jail. School was back in session and it took Margot a good ten minutes to get out of bed before Darry stomped up the stairs and dragged her out.

"What if I drop out, right here, right now." Margot threw her backpack onto the dirty school floor and leaned against her locker. "Don't be so dramatic, you had two weeks of rest." Isla said.

"And I need at least a year."

Isla rolled her eyes, "If you dropped out Darry would kill you and Pony would disown you, it's bad enough that the person he loves the most in the world dropped out already, he doesn't need you dropping out too." Isla said.

Margot frowned, "You're right, and I don't know if I should be offended that I'm not his favorite person in the world."

"Oh who cares, you are my favorite person in the world." Isla wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a side hug as she guided her down the hall.

Margot grinned and leaned into her, "Same here."

They both slowed down when they spotted Lucas walking past them all bruised up. He glanced at them and his eyes widened and he quickly looked away and walked faster away from them.

They both watched as he ran away from them with eyebrows furrowed, "Is it just me or was he scared of us?" Isla questioned.

"Yeah...that's weird, why was he so scared? And what the hell happened to his face?" Margot questioned. "Maybe he finally got what he deserved." Isla shrugged.

Margot looked up in realization, "Fucking Dallas." She grumbled. Isla furrowed her eyebrows at her, "What? Why would Dallas beat him up? He already did that when he defended you from him that one night at Bucks party." Isla said.

"Yeah, but I went to Bucks the other night and found Dally all bruised up, he said he had gotten into a fight with a soc, maybe that soc was Lucas." Margot explained. "Well no wonder he looked so terrified, I swore his eyes were going to pop out of his head the way his eyes widened." Isla cackled.

Margot smiled and shoved her lightly, "That's not funny, I know Lucas is an asshole but he hasn't done anything since Dallas and I threatened him about the stupid rumors he made up." Margot said.

"True, but you know Dallas, he doesn't need a good reason to beat someone up, just one ugly look from someone and he's ready to smash their head in." Isla said.

"Why did I have to choose such a violent guy." Margot groaned. Isla gave her a smile, "Might as well get used to it babes."

After school Margot went straight to Bucks to find Dallas. She found him on the side of the building smoking a cigarette, she stormed up to him and shoved him.

"Ow- what the fuck?" His voice was mumbled by the cigarette in between his lips. "Did you beat up Lucas? He was the soc you got into a fight with, isn't he?" Margot questioned.

Dallas took the cigarette out of his mouth, "How do you even know that?" He exhaled the smoke. "Because he walked down the hallway with a big black eye." Margot said and she saw his lips quirk.

"That's not something to be proud of Dallas." She shoved him again. "Why not?" He defended. "Because he didn't do anything!" Margot shouted.

"Oh really? So he didn't use you? He didn't touch you? He didn't spread rumors about you? Well sorry, didn't know he was such an angel." Dallas said sarcastically.

Margot looked away and crossed her arms, "He deserved it, and you know it." Dallas said, tossing his cigarette to the ground. Margot glanced at him and sighed, "Okay, yes, he did deserve it, but still! You can't just go around punching every person that wrongs me." Margot scolded him.

"I can and I will, you know why? Because no one's allowed to hurt you, not on my watch." He placed his hands on her waist and Margot let him pull her to his chest.

"And I love you for that but-" Margot cut herself off when she realized what she had said. She felt him tense up at her words and she pulled away from him and looked at his shocked face.

"What?" He spit out.

"N-nothing, I- I have to go." Margot rushed off, leaving Dallas to process her words. She went to the diner where Isla was working and she went straight for the bar, "I think I just told Dallas I love him." Margot blurted out.

Isla looked at her wide-eyed, "You did what now?"

"It just came out! And he looked so freaked out when I said it, god what do I do." Margot held her head in her hands. "Well first sit down, and chill out, it's not that big a deal, sure you said you love him so what? He'll probably say it back." Isla shrugged.

Margot shook her head, "No, it's Dallas, he'll never admit to something like that, he's not the type." Margot said.

"That's true, but you never know, he's been different ever since you two got together, he seems happier, maybe you're changing him for the better." Isla said. She was right, he did seem different ever since they got together.

He wasn't as angry, he wasn't committing as many crimes anymore, he seemed...happier. Margot's heart warmed at the thought that maybe she was the reason he was happier.

She didn't expect him to say it back, hell she didn't even expect herself to say it.

"I mean, you're not wrong, it's not like I'm expecting anything from him, I know he's not the loving relationship type, it would be nice though, if he said it back." Margot smiled at the possibility.

Isla smiled at the girl, "And he will one day, you just have to give him time to get used to it." She said. Margot nodded.

"I will, I'll wait as long as I have to."

And it all goes to shit from here, enjoy🥰

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now