Twenty five

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT WALKED INTO Bucks, Soda by her side. "Now, Darry said to watch out for you, so you better not spit in anyone's face, don't start a fight, don't get drunk, and don't do anything stupid." He listed off.

Margot rolled her eyes, "I'll be fine, now go find Steve, I'm getting a drink." She shoved him to the side and he glared at her and walked off.

She went to the bar and she flashed the bartender a grin, "One beer please."

The bartender didn't even bother looking at her as he slid her a beer. She snatched it and walked to where the pool table was, she watched as some greasers played against each other for money.

"Hey!" Isla appeared next to her, "Hey, you want a beer?" Margot shouted over the music. "No thanks, how many have you had?" Isla asked.

"Just one, for now."

"You better not get drunk or I swear to god I will kill you." Isla scolded her. "Don't worry, I can control myself, maybe." Margot shrugged.

"Let's go over here, it's more quiet." Isla grabbed her wrist and led her into another room. Margot froze when she spotted Dallas and Sylvia in the corner of the room. Sylvia leaned against the wall and Dallas stood in front of her, his hands on her waist, whispering something into her ear which caused the girl to giggle.

Margot frowned and chugged the rest of her beer, "I need another drink." She grumbled and walked back to the bar. Isla chased after her, "Getting drunk won't get rid of your feelings." She said.

"No but it will take them away for a few hours."

Isla sighed as the bartender slid her another beer and Margot chugged that one as well.  "Man, I'm gonna go find Soda before you pass out." Isla said and walked off.

Margot stayed at the bar, drinking her beer.

"Might want to slow down there, doll."

Margot tensed up at the voice, she knew that thick accent from anywhere. She looked to her left to see Dallas smirking at her, she narrowed her eyes at him, "Might want to mind your own business, asshole."

"I haven't even done anything yet and you're already insulting me." Dallas leaned against the counter, his smirk only growing in amusement.

"Yeah well, you deserve it."

"For what?"

"For making me feel things."

Dallas' eyebrows furrowed at that, "What-" before he could get a word out he was interrupted by Isla and Soda coming to her rescue.

"There you are, let's go, no more beer for you." Soda snatched the beer from her hand and grabbed her arm and slung it over his shoulders and helped her up.

"No, come on! It was only two!" Margot whined. "And yet you're already drunk, god you're such a lightweight." Soda grumbled.

"I don't want to go!"

"Too bad!"

Isla watched Soda take Margot outside and glanced to her side to see Dallas still standing there, "What'd you say to her?" She asked him.

"I didn't say anything." He defended. "It's more about what she said." He murmured. Isla's eyes widened slightly, "What?"

"Nothing." And Dallas walked off before she could question him further.

Isla looked between the front door and Dallas' direction, debating whether to go after him or not. She decided not to and she followed Soda outside, a water bottle in hand.

"Here, drink this, if you go home like this you'll get grounded again." Isla shoved the water bottle into Margot's hands.

"Let him ground me, at least then I won't be able to see him." Margot opened the water bottle and sat down on the grass.

"See who?" Soda asked.

"No one." Isla answered before Margot could expose herself. "Go back to the party, I'll take her home." Soda said, Isla looked down at Margot and back at Soda, "I don't want to leave her, can I sleepover?" She asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Soda grabbed Margot again and they walked to their house. Halfway there Margot decided she didn't want to walk anymore and climbed onto Soda's back. He carried her on his back the rest of the way home.

By the time they entered the house Margot had sobered up a bit and Isla helped her up the stairs, careful not to wake Darry or Ponyboy. Soda went up a few minutes later with a glass of water and some pills.

"Here, for when she wakes up, so her head doesn't hurt." Soda placed the water and pills on the dresser. "Thanks, I'll make sure she doesn't throw up in the middle of the night." Isla said.

Margot laid sprawled out on the bed, she was fast asleep now. "Hey, Isla?" Soda called out before he walked out the door.


"Is she okay?"

Isla glanced at Margot and sighed, she looked back at Soda and gave him a slight nod.

"She will be."

Soda nodded and gave her a small smile and shut the door as he left. Isla turned to Margot, "Oh Margs." She shook her head and put the blanket over her.

The next morning Margot woke up with a small headache and Isla by her side. She shook her awake and ran a hand down her face, "Wake up."

Isla groaned and smacked her hand away, "Fuck off."

Margot smacked her arm, "Wake up!"

Isla sat up, her hair a mess and an angry look on her face. "You know I hate being woken up, what do you want."

"What the hell happened?"

"You got drunk."

"Oh crap, not again." Margot buried her face in her hands. "And only on two beers, your alcohol tolerance is very low, you need to work on that."

"Oh god." Margot groaned.

"Here, Soda left this for you last night, we both took care of you." Isla handed her the glass of water and the pills. Margot frowned and she looked up at Isla, "Thanks, sorry for ruining your night." She tossed the pill into her mouth and swallowed it with the water.

"It's fine, it was already ruined by Dallas and Sylvia macking on each other."

Margot pulled a face at that, "Don't remind me." She grumbled. "Oh, so that you remember?"

"Kinda hard to get the image out of my head."

"Look, I know you like him now and stuff, but is Dallas Winston of all people really worth all this, I mean look at you." Isla said. Margot sighed, "No, I guess he's not, but there's just something about him that lures me in, you know? I can't help it, trust me, I've tried." Margot said.

"I guess I can understand that, you were saying something to him last night before we dragged you away from the party, do you remember what you said?" Isla asked her.

"Nope, and I hope I don't ever remember because if it was embarrassing I'd rather not know about it." Margot downed the rest of her water and stood up from the bed.

"I better get dressed before Darry drags me outta here by the ear." Margot said and Isla snickered. "Be glad he was asleep when we got here, surprisingly he didn't wake up."

"Oh yeah, Darry is just like Soda, they're both heavy sleepers." Margot said and Isla chuckled. "Wasn't your dad a heavy sleeper too?" Isla asked. Margot smiled and nodded.

"Like father like sons."

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