Fourty nine

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

"HEY, I HEARD your buddy Dally is out of jail, that true?" Tyler, Isla's older brother asked Margot. They sat in Isla's room making bracelets.

"He's not my buddy." Margot murmured and glared down at her ugly bracelet. "Didn't I tell you not to mention his name near her? Get out of here!" Isla grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

He dodged it and ran off down the hallway.

"Sorry about him." Isla said.

"It's fine, I should probably learn how to cope with his existence now that he's out of jail." Margot said.
"I can't believe they let him out on good behavior, after what he did to you he deserved to serve his full sentence." Isla spat.

"I know, I mean everything was fine when he was gone because I didn't have to see him everyday and I was able to move on, but now that he's out it's like I have to start that process all over again, just one look at him and it reminds me of what we had, of what he ruined." Margot fumbled with the bracelet on her wrist as she spoke.

Isla gave her a sympathetic look, "It must be hard, but you gotta show him that he didn't hurt you, that you moved on and that you're better than him." Isla said.

Margot smiled, "And I will, last thing he needs to know is how much he hurt me and get an ego boost, it's already big enough."

"After this what do you want to do? Shopping? Eating? Movies?" Isla asked. "I don't know, definitely not the movies because Dallas will be there." Margot said.

"But that's perfect! We can go to the movies and you can show him that you've moved on." Isla stood up and headed for her closet, "You need to show him what he's missing." She pulled out some very tiny looking shorts.

"What the hell are those?"


"They're a little short aren't they? Plus it's cold."

"Yeah that's the point, I'll bring you a jacket you'll be fine. You've never cared about showing off before, why stop now?" Isla said and Margot smirked.

"They're perfect."

Margot looked at herself in the mirror and she smiled, "Why do I actually look good?"

"Because you're hot, make sure to tie this jacket around your waist because if my dad sees you in those shorts he'll drag you back upstairs to change." Isla handed Margot one of her jackets.

The shorts hugged Margot in all the right places, showing off her curves and her perky ass. "Thank god my mother was beautiful and I got all her genes."

"You and Soda, gorgeous twins, I don't know how half the town isn't bowing down to you two." Isla said and Margot laughed.

"Maybe because we're not the queen and king."

"With your beauty you should be."

Once it got dark the girls were on their way to the nightly double. They snuck under the broken fence and Margot took the jacket off from around her waist and Isla grabbed it from her.

"Now let's go find the boys." Isla smirked.

They walked past all the parked cars and up to where all the seats were at, it was freezing cold but Margot could handle it.

"Found them." Isla whispered and Margot spotted the boys sitting in the middle. They walked up the steps and the boys smiled when they saw them, well only Pony and Johnny smiled, Dallas just stared at Margot, expressionless.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now