Fifty six

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT LOOKED DOWN the hallway to make sure no nurses or doctors were around and she snuck out of her room and over to Dallas' room. Isla had left so Margot could take care of some business.

She knocked on the door and she heard some movement from the other side, "Go away! I don't want your nasty medicine!" Dallas shouted.

Margot rolled her eyes and opened the door, he froze when he saw her. His eyes softened and he let out a sigh of relief, "Oh Margs." He rushed up to her and pulled her into a hug.

Margot hugged him back tightly, "I thought I lost you." She mumbled into his shoulder, blinking the tears away. "You didn't, I'm okay, I'm here." He soothed.

She pulled away and eyed him up and down, "Where are your clothes?" She asked. It wasn't like she minded. She wore some sweatpants and her tank top, curtesy to the hospital. Apparently Darry wouldn't let them put a gown on her, said that she would go crazy if she woke up with it on. She smiled when Isla told her that. Darry really did know her.

"In a bag, they reek of smoke. I tossed the ugly gown they gave me." He walked over to his bed and sat down, Margot sat next to him. "Are you okay?" She asked him, grabbing his bandaged arm.

"I'm okay, I've had worse." Dallas shrugged. He eyed her bandages, "Looks like we're matching." He smiled and held his bandaged arm next to hers.

Margot chuckled, "It hurts but it's not too bad, I'll heal." She said. Dallas frowned, "You got burnt worse than me." He eyed the bandages peaking out from under her tank top.

"I'm fine." She shrugged. He grabbed her bandaged hand, "I told you to stay where you were." He stared down at it.

"You should know better than to tell me what to do." Margot said and Dallas looked at her and smirked, "Should've known you wouldn't listen."

He linked their hands together and frowned, "I'm sorry, for everything I did, everything I said, I didn't mean any of it, I just wanted to keep you safe."

Margot placed a gentle hand on his cheek and he leaned into her touch, "I almost lost you, for real this time, so I think it's safe to say I forgive you, I'm never leaving you again." She pressed her lips to his and they kissed passionately.

It had been months since they kissed and it was clear that they had missed each other. The door opened and they instantly pulled away when they saw a nurse standing there, a disappointed look on her face.

"This isn't your room and you shouldn't be out of bed." The nurse scolded her as she walked inside. "Sorry, couldn't help myself." Margot chuckled and the nurse only rolled her eyes.

Margot cocked a brow and glanced at Dallas who shrugged and laid down. Two-Bit and Ponyboy walked through the door and Margot gave them a smile, "Hey boys."

"Well hey look who's up and about." Two-Bit grinned and hugged her. "What are you doing in here?" Pony asked her as he hugged her as well.

"Oh, nothing, just uh...checking in." Margot lied. She glanced at Dallas who smirked smugly and she gave him a face.

"What happened to your gown?" The nurse asked Dallas as she set a cup of water on his little table. "I threw it away." Dallas said and the nurse looked away in annoyance and began cursing under her breath as Dallas told her to get out.

Margot placed her hands on her hips and shook her head at him, "Why do you have to be so rude?" She smiled at him. "It's in my blood what can I say." He laughed.

"How you doin Dally?" Two-Bit asked Dallas as they did their little handshake, "Hey, good, how you doing man?"

"Swiped you a gift man." Two-Bit tossed him a little gift box, Dallas grabbed it and set in on the table. "It's good to see you guys man, this place gives me the creeps, I want out." Dallas stood up and slammed the door shut and got back into bed.

"Tim Shepard dropped by, saw my picture in the paper and couldn't believe it didn't have, "wanted dead or alive" written underneath it. He started rubbing it in about the rumble man, I hate missing it." Dallas sat up.

"They're still doing the stupid rumble?" Margot asked. "Hell yeah, those stupid socs practically put you guys in here, someone needs to put them in their place." Two-Bit said and Margot frowned and looked down at her feet.

"You got a cigarette pones?" Dallas asked Pony. Pony tossed him the box, "Thanks." He stayed silent for a few seconds.

"How is he? How's Johnny doing man?" Dallas asked them. "He's doing okay, he's burnt pretty bad but the nurse said he's going to be just fine." Two-Bit answered.

Dallas laid back down and threw the cigarette across the room in frustration, "Fine or not, he's in here because of them, he wouldn't have been in that church if it hadn't been for those stupid socs. You still got that knife on you?" Dallas asked Two-Bit.


"The knife, give me it will you?" Dallas said and Two-Bit flicked it out. His special knife, his most prized-possession. He had stolen it and carried it proudly.

Two-Bit placed it in Dallas' hands and he thanked him. "We gotta win that fight tonight, we gotta get even with those socs, for Johnny, for all of us." Dallas looked at Margot as he spoke.

Margot frowned and the boys beside her nodded, "And we will beat 'em."

Pony and Two-Bit left a few minutes later leaving Margot and Dallas alone. She crawled into bed next to him and he sat up, "You're going to that rumble aren't you?" She asked, but didn't look at him.

"Yep, those socs aren't going to get away with what they did to Johnny and Ponyboy, what they did to you." Dallas looked at her and she met his eyes.

"Don't go." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Dallas looked away, "Why not?" He laid back. "Because I don't want you to get hurt, I mean aren't you hurt enough?" Margot said.

"Yeah but they aren't, they need to pay."

"And they will, the others will take care of them, but not you, please."



Dallas sighed, "Fine, I won't go." He grumbled and Margot grinned. "Thank you! Now I'll stop by later, I need to take my medicine, which you should to, and I'll stop by later." Margot jumped off the bed and headed for the door.

"I refuse to take their nasty medicine." Dallas shouted before she shut the door. Margot went to her room and the nurse came a few minutes later and checked on her and gave her her medicine.

A few hours later Margot snuck to the vending machine, grabbed a few snacks, and headed to Dallas' room. She opened the door and her smile dropped when she found his bed empty. She dropped the snacks and they scattered all over the floor.

"Son of a bitch."

They're back together guys🤭

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now