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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

THE WALK TO the house was silent, neither of them said a word. Margot would've said something but she really didn't feel like arguing so early in the morning. Dallas, for once, just didn't know what to say.

Margot stood in front of the house just staring at it, she really didn't want to go inside and get yelled at. She heard footsteps behind her and she looked over her shoulder, "You're leaving?" She asked Dallas.

Dallas stopped walking and looked at her, "Yeah?"


"Because I want to."

"Well can you go in with me? Maybe he won't yell at me as much if you're there." Margot walked up to him. "No, I have to-"

"Please." Margot pleaded with her eyes.

Dallas looked at her and sighed, "Fine, but I'm not staying long." He said. Margot grinned, "That's totally fine, but you go first." Margot pushed him forward.

Dallas glared at her and walked up the porch, Margot slowly followed behind him. Darry shot up from his chair the second the door opened, "Dallas, have you seen Margot?" He asked.

His eyes landed on Margot and his face twisted in anger, "Where the hell have you been?" He shouted.

"I was at Bucks." Margot answered.

"Bucks? What the hell were you doing there?"

"Partying, but don't worry, Dal here kept me safe." Margot patted Dallas on the back. "I'm getting a beer." Dallas mumbled and walked off into the kitchen.

"You- jesus Margot, what the hell am I going to do with you." Darry rubbed his forehead in frustration. "You don't have to do anything because you're not my dad, you don't own me." Margot defended.

"I'm your guardian, that makes me responsible for you, so that means you have to listen to me which for some reason is so hard for you!" Darry shouted. "Yes! It is! Because you are so unreasonable! I don't see you yelling at Soda for going out!" Margot pointed at Soda who was sitting on the couch just watching them.

He had called off work because he wanted to make sure Margot had gotten home safe, he was starting to regret that choice.

"Because Soda doesn't talk back to me! He actually listens, unlike you!" Darry shouted back. "Whatever Okay? I just went to a party, it's not a big deal." Margot crossed her arms.

"It is a big deal, and you're grounded for two weeks." He pointed at her. "Okay, are we done here?" Margot asked.

"No, who's shirt is that?"

Margot's eyes widened and Dallas, who was walking back into the living room a beer pressed to his lips, paused and turned to walk back into the kitchen.

"Dallas! Get in here."

Dallas sighed and slowly walked back into the living room, "What?" He stood beside Darry. "Who's shirt is she wearing?" Darry asked him.

Dallas glanced at Margot who refused to make eye contact, "Hers?"

Darry's face hardened, "Don't play with me Dallas, why is she wearing your shirt?" He asked again. "Nothing happened, if that's what you're thinking." Margot spoke up.

"I didn't ask you. Dallas, why is she wearing your shirt?" Darry asked again, more sternly. "Because she drools in her sleep, and her shirt was soaked." Dallas answered cooley.

"You saw her drool? I'm sorry you had to see that man." Soda spoke up. "Oh shut up, I'm not an ugly drooler." Margot defended.

"You're a little ugly."

"I will step on you again."

Dallas rolled his eyes, "What does the drool have anything to do with why she's wearing your shirt?" Darry asked.

"Because my shirt was soaked in my drool, I was dr-tired, and I fell asleep in his bed, he slept on the floor, and I woke up soaked and he gave me a clean shirt, that's all." Margot explained.

"That's all? You sure?" Darry looked between the two, "Yes, okay, it's gross that you would even think that." Margot's face twisted in disgust.

"Yeah, like I'd ever sleep with that."

Margot scoffed, "Please, you'd be lucky to sleep with me, you on the other hand, I'd rather die." Margot spat.

Dallas glared at her and Soda let out a snort. "Whatever, I'm leaving." Dallas walked out of the house. "I'm going to my room." Margot mumbled and walked up the stairs.

Soda and Darry stood in the living room processing everything, "She's gonna be the death of me." Darry mumbled. "Yeah, good luck with her." Soda patted his shoulder and walked to his own room.

Margot slammed her door shut and she grabbed her pillow and screamed into it. She tossed the pillow back onto the bed and she let out a sigh, she stepped in front of her whole body mirror and just stared at herself.

She looked down at Dallas' shirt and she found herself smiling, once she noticed she quickly frowned and her eyebrows furrowed.

Why the hell was she smiling?

She slipped the shirt off and threw it across the room, leaving her standing in her bra. For some reason, her mind kept going back to that room, and how she basically checked Dallas out.

Why the hell would she do that? She didn't even find him attractive, did she? Who was she kidding, of course she did, Dallas wasn't an ugly guy, he never had been, it was the ugliness in the inside that bothered her.

She was a girl after all, it was only normal for her to check him out, right? But then again, it was Dallas, the one guy she hated more than anyone, she wasn't one to find him...alluring was probably the best word for it.

She erased any thoughts of him from her mind and changed into her own clothes. She decided to take a hot shower to melt any traces of him away, all she wanted to do was forget and move on.

But she couldn't forget, not when all she could think about was the fact that he actually did take care of her. He didn't let her get even more drunk, he wanted to take her home where she would be safe, he was forced to let her sleep on his bed but he didn't move her, instead he slept on the floor.

He gave her a clean, dry shirt since hers was wet, he walked her home, and he even stayed to witness Darry yelling at her when she asked him to. She never thought Dallas was the type of guy to do any of those things, but maybe she was wrong about him.

Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all.

Happy NYE everyone! I will be posting two chapters today in honor of the new year:)

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now