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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

THEY WENT HOME that night and they all got scolded for getting into a fight. Turns out Margot had no broken fingers just a few sprains, Darry just wrapped her hand up and told her to take it easy.

"Does that mean I don't have to do my chores?" She asked and Darry gave her a look, "It was worth a try." Margot shrugged.

"So how'd the fight start? And what made you think it was a good idea to punch a guy?" Darry asked Margot. "Hey he grabbed me, okay? He was asking for it." Margot defended.

"Technically, Dallas started the fight by punching her little boyfriend in the face." Two-Bit pointed at Dallas. Darry's eyebrows furrowed, "Boyfriend? What boy- oh you little- I told you to stay away from him!" Darry shouted at Margot.

"In my defense...he was too hot to stay away from." Margot said and Darry rolled his eyes. "Hey we all warned her about him but did she listen? Noo." Steve said.

Margot crossed her arms, "Whatever, you guys were right, okay? Are you happy?"

"Yes, actually we are, and we told you so." Darry pointed a finger at her. "What did he even do?" Darry asked.

"He tried touching her." Soda said. "He did what?!" Darry shouted. "Calm down it wasn't a big deal, besides I got him back by spitting in his face and stealing his wallet." Margot pulled out the wallet and tossed it to him.

"There's like five hundred bucks in there, you can use that for this months rent, and think of it as a bribe so you don't ground me." Margot grinned. Darry smiled and shook his head, "Fine, but just this one time."

Margot frowned when she realized she forgot something, "Oh shit I forgot about Isla!"

"She'll be fine, I saw her talking to this guy before everything happened, just call her in the morning to make sure she's still alive." Soda said. "She better be alive or I'm killing you." Margot said.

"Yeah whatever, I'm going to bed." Soda stood up and went into his room.

"Me too, you can all stay here it's too late for y'all to be walking home, Margot go to bed." Darry said and Margot sighed, "Yeah okay."

Margot went up to her room and put on her sweats and one of Soda's shirts and went to bed. She shot awake in the middle of the night from a nightmare, Pony wasn't the only one with nightmares.

She ran her hands down her face and sighed, she didn't have nightmares that often, not like Pony did, but they came every now and then. She got out of bed and went downstairs to get a cup of water.

She was drinking her water when she was startled by someone, "Have a nightmare?" She jumped at the sudden voice and whipped around to see Dallas sitting at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette.

"Jesus Christ, how long have you been sitting there?" She asked. "A while, couldn't sleep." He took a drag of the cigarette.

"Yeah, me neither." She downed the rest of her water and put the cup in the sink. "I'm surprised you're still here, usually you sneak out in the middle of the night whenever you stay over." Margot turned back around.

"I'm too tired to walk all the way back to Bucks, punching your boyfriend took a lot out of me." Dallas smirked. Margot frowned and crossed her arms, "He's not my boyfriend." She tilted her head and asked, "Why did you punch him?"

She studied his face for any reaction but he had none, he didn't even say anything. She never noticed how soft his features were when he wasn't angry or trying to act tough. But now, as she stared at him, the moonlight shining on his face, a cigarette between his fingers, he looked serene. She didn't think that was possible for a guy like Dallas, but she liked this look on him.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now