Twenty eight

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

MARGOT SAT ON the couch reading a book Pony had made her read claiming it was the "best book ever" while Darry was in the kitchen cleaning up the dinner they had just had with Soda's new girlfriend, Sandy.

They had been dating for a good two months now and Soda seemed to really like her, it was the happiest Margot had seen him in a long time. As long as she made her brother happy then Margot liked her, she was nice so it's not like she had any reason to hate her anyway.

Soda and Sandy stood by the front door saying "goodbye" to each other, they had been standing there for a good ten minutes. "I'm gonna miss you." Soda cooed, grabbing his girlfriend's hand.

Sandy smiled up at him, "I'm gonna miss you too."

Margot rolled her eyes, "Will you two just say goodbye already and leave? It's disgusting just watching you two flirt and kiss." Margot complained.

"Then leave." Soda sent her a glare over his shoulder.

"Why don't you both leave and everyone will be happier?" Margot suggested and Soda ignored her, turning back to Sandy. Margot groaned and she turned to Pony who sat on Darry's chair, "How are you not throwing up at the sight of this?" She gestured to the disgusting couple.

"I've learned to ignore it." Pony kept his eyes on his own book. Margot rolled her eyes and went back to reading her book hoping it would distract her from the horny couple in front of her.

The front door opened and she glanced up to see Dallas and Johnny walk in. Margot quickly looked back down at her book so she wouldn't make eye contact with him. Because if she did she'd turn beat red.

She felt him sit down next to her and she tensed up at his presence. She could feel the heat radiating off his body and it only made her want him more. "Why are they just standing there?" Dallas asked her, gesturing to the couple.

Margot glanced at him and back at the couple, "They're saying goodbye, they've been standing there for the past ten minutes." Margot said.

Dallas snickered and he pulled out a penny from his pocket, "Watch this." He whispered and he aimed the penny at Soda and he threw it across the room and it hit the back of Soda's head.

Soda rubbed the back of his head and he glared at Dallas and Margot who were laughing at him. He sent them a scowl and turned back to Sandy, finally saying goodbye.

Once she was gone he turned to the two, "Okay, who threw it?" He pointed at them. Dallas and Margot glanced at each other, trying not to laugh. "Relax little bro it was just a penny." Margot chuckled.

"I'm not your little bro so stop calling me that you little shit." Soda snapped and Margot glared at him, "Be happy it wasn't my shoe." She snapped back.

Soda rolled his eyes and stormed to his room, "God he's such a baby." Margot grumbled. Dallas snickered and Margot let out a laugh, "I can't believe it actually hit him in the head."

"What can I say, my aim is amazing." Dallas shrugged. "It only hit him because he has a big head." Pony scoffed and Margot let out a cackle.

"You hear that Soda!" She shouted and the bedroom door opened and Soda pointed a finger at all of them, "You all suck." And he slammed his door shut.

Margot laughed along with everyone in the room, except for Dallas who was too busy staring at Margot to laugh. She turned her head and her eyes met Dallas', her grin slowly faded as she stared into his eyes.

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