Fifty four

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

THEY GOT TO the church and Margot didn't even wait for the car to stop to jump out and run straight for the church. Dallas parked the car and ran after her and grabbed her wrist, "Calm down, they're probably still asleep." He whispered.

Margot yanked her hand away, "Then we'll wake them." She whispered back and continued walking. They looked through the boarded up windows and Dallas grabbed Margot's hand and placed a finger on his lips, signaling her to stay quiet.

He led her around the back and they quietly walked inside the church, careful not to startle them. They were both asleep on the church seats. Dallas creeped over to a sleeping Ponyboy and grabbed his now blonde head, "Hey Blondie!" Dallas chuckled and Pony stirred away.

"Hey Dal."

"Wake up." Dallas said and walked over to Johnny, "How you been?" Pony asked, he hadn't noticed Margot yet. "Hey Johnny, rise and shine man." Dallas kicked the church seat and Johnny woke up.

"How's Soda doing? And Margot?" Pony questioned as he sat up. "Hey Dallas how are ya?" Johnny asked.

"Are they upset?" Pony asked.

"Are the fuzz after us?" Johnny asked.

Margot quietly walked behind Pony and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I'm pretty angry and can't wait to kick your ass." She smirked and Pony whirled around and his eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Margot!" He rushed up and tackled her into a hug. Margot stumbled back as she hugged him back, letting out a joyous laugh, "Hey kid."

"I missed you." He mumbled into her shoulder. "I missed you too bud, we all do." She said. She met Johnny's eyes and she flashed him a smile, "Hey Johnnycakes."

Johnny grinned and he went up to her and pushed Pony out of the way and hugged her. "How you doing kid?" She asked him as she hugged him tightly.

"Not so good, but I'm hanging in there." He responded and they pulled away. She eyed his hair and she smiled softly, "Your hair is shorter."

"Yeah we had to cut it." Johnny ran a hand through his hair. Margot turned to Pony and ruffled his blonde hair, "And look at you, blonde and stupid." Pony swatted her hand away, "I'm blonde not stupid." He retorted and Margot snickered.

"Where's Soda? Is he here?" Pony questioned.

"One thing at a time, yeah? Y'all hungry? Cause I'm starving man." Dallas spoke up.

Margot and Pony sat down and she kept eyeing his hair, it was just so blonde.

"You're starving? Try baloney for four days." Johnny said and Dallas let out a laugh. "Hey, you got a cancer stick Johnny?" Dallas asked and Johnny went to grab one from his jean jacket, "Yeah." He gave Dallas the cigarette.

Margot pulled Soda's letter out of her back jean pocket, "Here kid, it's from Soda, he wanted me to give it to you." Margot handed it to him.

"How'd he know I was here?" Pony asked as he opened it up. "He knew I was coming here." Margot said and Pony's eyebrows furrowed, "How did you know I was here?" He asked her.

Margot glanced at Dallas, "I got it out of him."

"She wouldn't get out of the car." Dallas glared at her and she smirked. Pony smiled and shook his head at the girl, he looked down at the letter and began reading it silently.

Dallas pulled out a lighter and Margot recognized it instantly, it was the lighter she had stolen from the gas station that Dallas had taken her to. The red one with the dragon on it. She frowned at the memory, she couldn't believe that he still had it.

Pain and Cigarettes|Dallas Winston|Where stories live. Discover now