Fifty eight

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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬
»»————- ★ ————-««

"DARRY I SAID I'm fine, it's been a week already, I'm nearly healed." Margot was trying to wash the dishes when Darry came out of nowhere and pushed her out of the way, claiming that she was too injured to do anything.

"I don't care, the doctor said to rest as much as you can and that's what you're going to do." Darry said and Margot rolled her eyes.

"Fine, whatever, more work for you then." She walked back into the living room. "He's still treating you like a baby?" Pony asked as she plopped down next to him.

"Yep, I'm burnt not disabled." Margot grumbled.

"Me too, I tried making the bed the other day and he practically threw me across the room saying that I should be "resting" I didn't even get hurt." Pony said and Margot let out a laugh.

"I know we should be glad that we don't have to do chores but I hate feeling useless." Margot sighed. "I don't mind it." Pony shrugged and Margot smiled.

"Of course you don't, you've always been useless."

Pony glared at her and she snickered. Soda walked through the door. "Hey Soda, how was work?" Pony asked him.

"It was fine." Soda sighed and sat on the other couch. "Just fine?" Margot asked.

"Yeah, people keep coming in asking about you guys, about the fire and stuff." Soda said. "Really? Why do people even care so much, it was just a bunch of kids." Margot shrugged.

"Yeah, a bunch of kids you risked your lives for, people admire that stuff." Soda said and Margot shrugged.

"I still don't get it."

The phone rang and they all sat there hearing it ring, Margot glanced at Pony and kicked his leg. "You gonna get that?"

"Why do I have to?"

"I'm injured remember?" Margot held up her burnt hand and he rolled his eyes and got up and answered the phone. Pony turned to Soda, "It's Sandy." He said and Soda frowned.

"Oh, um...tell her I'm not here." Soda said and he rushed up and went to his room. Pony and Margot looked at each other confused, "Um...yeah, sorry Sandy, he's not here right now, call back another time, bye." Pony hung up and looked at Margot.



Both Pony and Margot walked into the room, "What the hell was that?" Margot asked, her hands on her hips. "Did you and Sandy break up?" Pony asked him.

"Can you guys just leave it alone, please?" Soda said, he laid on his stomach, his face buried in the pillow.

"No, sit up, and explain." Margot grabbed his shoulder and rolled him over. Soda let out a groan, "Fine, you guys are so stubborn."

"Takes one to know one, talk." Margot crossed her arms. Soda sighed, "We broke up." He blurted out.

"Yeah we assumed that much, but why?" Pony asked. "She cheated on me, she's pregnant with someone else's baby." Soda said as he sat up.

Margot's jaw dropped, "That stupid bitch!"


"No! Don't even try defending her right now Soda, what she did is bullshit! It's one thing to cheat on you but to get pregnant? What is she stupid?" Margot shouted.

Soda sighed, "It's fine, she's going to Florida anyway to live with her grandmother."

"Oh well that's just great! She gets to leave and you have to stay here heartbroken? I'm gonna kill that bitch." Margot headed for the door and Pony grabbed her arm.

"Will you calm down? Beating her up won't do anyone any good." Pony said. "Well no shit that's the point! Someone needs to smash her face in!" Margot shouted.

"No, stop. I don't want her to get hurt." Soda said. Margot looked at him in disbelief, "How do you not? She broke your heart and yet you're still defending her?" Margot questioned.

"You can't say anything because you were still defending Dallas even when you were broken up." Soda pointed a finger at her. Margot huffed and crossed her arms, he was right.

"Well still, it's bullshit."

"Yeah, you don't think I know that? But I'm trying to move on here, and you making a big deal out of it won't help me." Soda said.

Margot frowned and she sat back down next to him, "Then what will? I don't want to see you sad." She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I know, but you have to let me grieve my own way, I'll move on eventually and then it won't hurt as much." Soda said.

"Well whatever you need, I'll be here. You were there for me at my worst and now it's my turn." Margot said and Soda smiled.

"Me too, you can count on me." Pony said and Soda gestured for him to crouch down and give him a hug. The door opened and Darry walked in, "I heard yelling, who's fighting?" He asked.

Margot snickered, "Sorry that was me."

"Sandy cheated on Soda and got pregnant." Pony blurted out and both Soda and Margot smacked the back of his head.

"You're such a blabber mouth." Margot glared at him. "Sandy did what? It's not yours is it?" Darry questioned.

"No, it's not."

Darry frowned, "I'm sorry." He grabbed Soda's arm and pulled him up into a hug. Margot smiled at the interaction, he really was trying to change.

"Hey, any news on the court stuff?" Margot asked Darry as the boys pulled away, "Um yeah, we have to go to court on Sunday." Darry said.

The trial had been held off until Johnny got better so they could put him on trial. They were all praying that they didn't charge him with murder, and if they did charge him with something they hoped it was only a small sentence.

Margot had been visiting him everyday since she got out of the hospital and brought him food because the hospital food sucked. Most of the times she would go with one of the boys but sometimes she went alone.

Margot had told all the boys about her and Dallas except for Darry, she was waiting for the right time to tell him. So they were still pretty secretive around him.

Ever since they got out of the hospital they had seen each other everyday. They both almost lost each other, they weren't leaving each others sides ever again.

Pony had already gone back to school but Margot still didn't feel like going. She was using her burns as an excuse to not go and so far it was working. She was going to work though because they needed the money, hospital bills weren't cheap.

"Isla's picking me up for work." Margot stood up from the bed and walked into the living room. "I forgot she has her license, she run anyone over yet?" Soda asked as he followed her out.

"No?" Margot gave him a weird look. "Oh she will, give it time." He snickered and Margot smiled and rolled her eyes.

"And you'll be her first victim, I'd be careful if I were you." Margot said as she walked up the stairs.

"Whatever, I'll just sue her."

I decided not to include the little running scene with Soda and stuff bc tbh I'm just too lazy to write all that. I won't be writing the court scenes either bc boring, BUT. This story is almost over and idk who to write abt next so comment down ur fav fictional men and I'll see if I get any ideas:)

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