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Chapter 21: Keep working hard at night.

New season, new version. This season, the mid-core has changed to the bottom-core.

The middle lane is reduced to a tool, and the bottom lane is the key.

Therefore, ban support and jungle have become the focus.

However, this is the first game of this season, and there have been changes in personnel on both sides.

Although every team will schedule training matches, many teams will not show their true strength in training matches. They mainly focus on practicing the heroes or lineups they want to practice.

Generally there is no way to know what heroes the opponent is really good at.

Therefore, in the first round of bans/picks, both sides will ban heroes that pose a greater threat to shooters or have great restraints on the lineup they plan to take.

After the heroes were banned, there were a total of six bans, three of which were jungle heroes, especially the opposite RQ, which banned two jungle heroes. This was also based on the lack of support for YEL's new jungler hero pool. Understand the choices you make.

Chi Mu looked at the three jungle heroes in the ban position, thoughtfully.

In the first game, both sides were still in the experimental stage and did not dare to bring out new things. They only compared the lineup with last season.

Because of what Yu Yan said, YEL's newcomer Wu Yu became his main target of attention.

Last season, YEL had substitutes in other positions, but there was no substitute for his jungle position.

Originally, when he first joined YEL, he joined as a jungle substitute.

But when the team invited him to play in training matches, his results were too good, and his performance in the peak competition was always at the top of the list.

Then their starting jungler at the time became unconvinced and took the initiative to challenge him. The result was not much better than Chi Mu. With Chi Mu's current strength, he should be able to beat him four or six, Chi Mu is four.

The starting jungler was hit hard. When the autumn split was about to start, I trained hard and then asked him to solo, but I still couldn't beat him. Even Bai Yue's skills had improved to a higher level, and he was directly suppressed by Bai Yue. beat.

The starter had a psychological shadow. After playing the regular season for a few days, he always lost his rhythm. He couldn't control the dragon well and was easily overpowered by the opponent. The team coach directly sent Bai Yue up.

Since then, Bai Yue has always been the starter. The previous starter had a psychological shadow, there was a mental problem, and his skills have also deteriorated.

As soon as the autumn season is over, I will negotiate with the team to retire. Then during the Winter Season and the World Championship, the team didn't find another jungler as a substitute, and Bai Yue firmly took the jungle position.

The team did not expect that Bai Yue would directly choose to retire when the World Championship was about to end.

When a team reaches its peak and then looks for other players, it certainly doesn't want to find someone who is much worse than the previous one, which led them to end up looking for a player who was the top pick in the rookie competition at the time.

Bai Yue already knew about these things, and Wu Yu was recommended by him personally.

Of course, he didn't do a good job when recommending him. He just saw that his skills were good, and he was in a hurry to retire at the time. If the team couldn't find someone else, he wouldn't be able to retire, so he recommended Wu Yu.

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