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Chapter 48: Starting Jungle

Since everyone has no objections and Wu Yu proudly agrees to Chi Mu’s conditions, the battle will officially begin.

The group entered the training room together.

What Wu Yu said was quite right. From an objective point of view, he was really isolated. He and Chi Mu were sitting far apart.

Everyone ran to stand behind Chi Mu and watched Chi Mu's condition. No one wanted to look at him at all.

The rules of this battle are the same as the last one. Two people choose the same hero and win three out of five games.

The first round of competition began. Wu Yu learned smarter this time. From the day he was blocked by Chi Mu, he would watch Chi Mu's live broadcast every day to study what Chi Mu was better at.

So this time, he very confidently chose a lineup that he had never seen Chi Mu use during a live broadcast.

Bai Yue raised his eyebrows when he heard Wu Yu say who he was going to take in this round.

"Do you really plan to use this hero first?"

Others also focused on Wu Yu.

"What? Are you scared? You don't know this hero?"

Wu Yu saw Bai Yue's expression was a little complicated, thinking that Chi Mu really didn't know the hero he chose.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yue said something with unknown meaning, "I didn't expect that you also like our Xiao Mu very much. You chose a lineup that our Xiao Mu is best at. Don't you plan to change it?"

Chi Mu noticed that Bai Yue had spoken recently, He always liked to say "our Xiaomu" and glared at him with some disgust.

Bai Yue's smile made it difficult for Wu Yu to tell whether he was telling the truth or a lie. But Wu Yu didn't believe that Bai Yue would really remind him so kindly, so after hesitating for a while, he still said .

"Don't try to lie to me, haha. He definitely doesn't know how to be a hero, right? He's a loser, and he still wants to compete with me for the starting spot. I'll show you what strength is right away!"

Unexpectedly, he was so confident, and Bai Yue was a little embarrassed. He touched his chin and asked again.

"You really don't want to change?"

This made Wu Yu even more convinced that Chi Mu just couldn't play this hero. He raised his chin and became even more proud.

"No change! Bai Yue, don't try to trick me, start now."

Seeing Wu Yu's resolute attitude, Bai Yue shook his head helplessly and muttered, "It's so easy to lie." It's a

pity that his words The sound was very small, and Wu Yu was far away from them, so he couldn't hear it.

The first game begins.

Because Bai Yue's words just now convinced Wu Yu that Chi Mu would not play this hero, so he played very fiercely at the beginning of the game.

This is a hero with a lot of movement and a lot of room for maneuver. Wu Yu gave Chi Mu some fancy moves at the beginning, forcing Chi Mu under the tower.

He even sent a mocking emoticon very proudly.

Chi Mu raised his eyebrows, and his fingers suddenly became more flexible, flying on the keyboard. His hand speed was completely different from before.

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