Chapter 1

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

It's hard to pull out anger in me, really hard. It's one of my strengths because I always go into things level and I never let emotions take over or think for me. It's rare for anyone to plug out that kind of emotion but right now, one mother fucker might have reached that part.

I did everything in me to keep calm, on the outside I might actually look so calm and approachable. I like being approachable, it makes everyone drop their guard only to be met with something worse than they had anticipated for.

I licked my teeth and took in a deep breath, wondering what I should do. Walk away and look all weak and pathetic or attack this motherfucker and show him who exactly I am?

I know my best choice is the first one. I wasn't gonna start any certain war between our families after things have just settled down from our parent's generation.

Before that both families hated each other. Our generation didn't get to experience that hate as it was over but I heard the stories. The deaths that happened, both families fighting to be the greatest until they cut a line through it and decided that it would be better is they are both great than throw each other on the ground.

That was the common ground. Anyone who was alive at that time can tell you the kind of hell everyone went through and due to the balance and agreement between the families everything works great. The economy was brought back to its feet and I was not going to risk it in a second.

I stormed away my heart trying to make me stay yet my head had already decided. I walked into my car throwing the gifts I had in my hand into the passenger seat before driving off.

I kept a clear head until I got home. "Prepare the gun range." I commanded while walking into my room, taking off the tight shirt. I put on another shirt and walked out with it unbuttoned, showing off my toned abs as I headed straight into the rink.

It was filled with various firearm. One of every kind with endless bullets and some guards standing close by waiting for reload. "Get Adam on the phone." I ordered while picking up the ear protection to drown out the gun noise then started firing.

It was all aimless because I was trying to release my pent-up anger in here rather than practice. I handed the empty gun back before being handed a bigger gun and I aimed straight at the dummies. By the time it was over the dummy was in half.

I took off the headsets when I saw one guard handing me my phone. Adam was on the phone "I have news." I spoke while walking towards the window. "You're not going to believe who I caught fucking my girlfriend."

"Anna was cheating on you?" He gasped.

"Besides the point, Adam. It is a Delano."

"Which Delano?"

"How many Delanos are there? You think it was the Don Delano that fucked my seventeen-year-old girlfriend?" If that was the case I would have killed the grandpa.

"So Rhys dude?" He scoffed. "Guy is a loser how did he manage to get a hold of your girlfriend?"

"I'm questioning her standards or he deliberately seduced my girl to mess with me." I have been thinking about a lot, like why would Rhys go for my girl? I understand she is hot and all but everyone knows who she is with and that is me. "Guy is searching for something in me, I almost went in and shot both of them."

"I know you didn't, the control you have surprises me." It does surprise me too. I should have walked in yet I walked away and let them enjoy their session to the fullest. "I would have died with a bitch if they messed with my Mia."

"Your lack of control surprises me." I fired back, we were like complete opposites. He is easy to anger and easy to throw punches, I always pull him back so we don't get into conflicts that we would lose. I like to be strategic with everything before I take a step forward. "We are gonna watch this dude and see what he up to, I want to know why he is fucking my girl and how many times they meet."

"Can I call Jay?"

"Yes and tell him to bring his car, the ugly shit might finally have a job." I hung up when I heard Adam laugh, Jay has the oldest car I have ever seen. The reason he keeps it is because it's an old car but the shit breaks down almost every second.

At least it's unrecognizable and I don't think any Delano knows it. He has been fixing the car for almost a month now and it has just started working two days ago, guess its job is finally here.

I walked into the bathroom attached to the range. I showered and my clothes were brought to me. Pulling on a casual blue jeans, a shirt, sneakers, a cap, and some sunglasses I left my place to Jay's.

Since he is gonna be driving us we might as well meet him at his. It was a ten-minute ride and once I got there they were both waiting for me. I looked at Jay's car and shook my head. "Don't look at it like that. This is a legend, if it worked it would be more expensive than your new model cars."

"You're not poor, why act and look so cheap?" His father is one of the richest people in the country, we are all rich yet his taste in almost everything screams cheap.

"I like a simple life."

"I will make sure your coffin is made out of the cheapest wood. My parting gift from you." I put on my shades while opening his car door, the thing creaked as if it was holding onto life itself.

"Actually I like to be cremated so I don't take up space."

"Shut up man." Adam chimed in, patting his shoulder while getting in the back of Jay's car.

"You all call me cheap but guess which un-named car you're using. The cheap one!!" Our cars have our names on the back, they indicate who is around so they are not good with spying shit, and since this was a personal matter I had to handle it without family cars.

They would have worked better than this old shit. "This is not a flex man." I replied, watching him struggle to start the thing that was half dead and hardly holding on. The car took three full minutes to start only to make us shake as if we had entered a massage parlor which would be better than the noise that accompanied whatever this was.

"They are going to spot us in seconds, this car is loud," Adam commented and  I turned to him.

My taste in cars would be hurt but a cheap one for this purpose was needed "Should we go buy a car?" I suggested, getting over this shit hole but then it decided to start working....surprise.

"Faith guys, you don't always need new things. Life is about enjoying what you have, it's the satisfaction." Is he going to become a prophet or something? Sometimes I worry for my friend here.

Adam looked at him disgusted then added, "Um no, new things give me satisfaction." I held out a high five to him. That is how shit works, you like it get it. It disturbs you throw it away and get a new thing. I wish it worked like that with love.

"Why are you my friends? You never care about anything I say." Jay spoke while taking a turn this thing screamed to be let go.

"If we weren't you would be bullied." I laughed, high-fiving Adam once again. He would indeed be bullied. His strong love and care for simple useless things would make him weird but since he walks with the Hill family no one dares to say a word.

"Stop the car." If it should be called a car. He parked it on the side of the road. I checked my watch, it's been one hour since I left and this bitch is getting out now. Anna was nowhere to be found, she didn't come out to say goodbye to him like she does with me.

So they both know that what they are doing is wrong but they continue to do it. I held my thumb between my teeth lightly biting on it, we have been together for a year now. When did this start? How long have they been together?

"I need to get someone to follow his every move."

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