Chapter 31

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

"My body hurts." I whined, kicking the blankets. "I don't feel good." I shook Rhys. "Wake up, wake up." I shook him violently.

He gasped, jumping awake. "What- what's wrong?"

"I can't breathe." I swallowed heavily but my throat hurt. "Everything hurts, my eyes hurt...I don't feel good at all." I cried. My eyes stung so bad. "This fucking bed sucks, it's too hot and cold... it's everything and I hate it."

"Go sit in the chair." He said, turning over.

I laid down, it was so hot. I stumbled out of bed and almost fell down but managed to stable myself. I went to the bathroom only to end up throwing up into the toilet. I flushed then crawled away trying to reach the shower head. Cold water poured onto me and I screamed. Too cold. "Rhys!!" I screamed.

"That's not the chair!" He screamed from the room. A few seconds later he was stumbling into the bathroom, glaring at me. His eyes softened when he saw me. "Baby...what's wrong?" He said, adjusting the shower temperature.

He grabbed a face towel then got undressed then stepped in the shower with me. He put soap on the towel then started washing my body. You could see that he was also drained but still helped me. "Did you take medicine?"

"I don't want to." I swatted his arms away and then hugged the tile. "I want to die."

" have to take medicine." He got on his knees and started cleaning my lower half.

I slid out of the shower. I felt like I was freezing. "Too cold." I shivered, hugging myself before turning to him. "Go to bed." Now I was getting back to my mind after waking him up as if he wasn't sick himself.

"What?" He grabbed a towel and dried me off. He wrapped the towel around my waist. "Go sit in the chair."

I stood up on my bones and they felt like they were gonna break. I had just made it to the door when I threw up once again, I knelt down, heaving looking at my own puke but I was too weak to be disgusted or to move.

"You-" he gagged, turning away. He turned to me again, trying to help but ended up gagging again. "It's going to be okay." He glanced at me. "No-" he also threw up on the floor.

He groaned and turned the shower on again, looking like he was one second away from throwing up again. "Get in." He said, holding onto the wall.

I crawled into the shower, shivering. "We need help." I confessed. Maybe sticking two sick people in one room was not the best idea.

"Sage and Khari are on a business trip in Italy." He said, washing us both. "Know anyone willing to clean up our throw-up?"

"Let me get my phone." I pushed myself out of the shower and grabbed my phone. I dialed my mom's number. "Mom, I am sick."

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