Chapter 45

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I tried to get up and it was less painful than how it was three weeks ago. I sat up and then tried to search for my clothes, I couldn't find them but there was Rhys' hoodie right there in my arm's reach. I pulled it and smelt it first it did smell like Rhys so I decided to put it on.

I shrugged on my shoes and I was about to get out when the door opened. Sage walked in, I tried not to change my face at all.


"Hey." I replied but continued to put on my shoes, I want to get out of here and go home.

"Can we talk?" He said, not coming in the room any further.

"Yeah, we can. Come in." I sat back while holding onto my wound making it seem like it was transferring the pain to my entire torso. Once he was in with the door closed behind him I didn't let him speak first. "I wanted to apologize for tricking you into sex with me and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday."

He nodded. "I do forgive you. It took some time and space but...I forgive you. I also understand why you did it. If I was in that situation I'd do the same thing." He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal but you could tell it took a lot for him to be able to forgive me.

I nodded, I expected it to take him some time to be able to forgive me but I guess it was good. "Thank you." What else can I add to that, nothing.

"I talked to Rhys. He said he told you what happened."

Now it made sense why he forgave me that quickly after what I did. "What happened has nothing to do with me, you don't need to explain anything it's all fine." I got up. "I just want to go home."

"Yeah...but you both seem hurt about it. When you're ready, ask Rhys. I have no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't be honest with you." He sighed. "I didn't come to get in your business with your boyfriend. You were sleep when Rhys left so he told me to make sure you were okay and to tell you that he's at the hospital. He'll be back tonight."

"At the hospital why?"

"Riley gave birth."

"Oh. I should visit too." I tried to walk but I felt like the stitches couldn't hold on so I had to sit back. "Fuck."

He walked over to me. "Although I don't recommend getting up you seem hell bent on doing it." He held his hand out to help me.

I took it despite myself and he helped me get up. "I want to go to Adam's place, if it's not too much can you drive me."

"Of course." He helped me out of the house and into the car. "Are you hungry? I can stop somewhere so you can eat before you go." He said, getting in the driver's seat.

"No, I am not hungry but thank you." He was not a bad person, I could tell why Rhys was friends with him but I could not force myself to feel comfortable with him maybe with time I could. As soon as he parked outside Adam's house I got up but I'm seconds he was next to me helping me up to the door. He rang the doorbell and I wished Adam was there cause this was the only place I wanted to be.

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