Chapter 19

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I looked at him, I was curious. He gets me curious and infuriated for no damn reason but from now on I was going to try and be civil with him. I actually felt bad for him, one who had not felt what love was and didn't deserve to be played with because first love hurts the most. My first relationship hurt more than the one with Anna and I had been in that one for only three months.

She didn't cheat or anything but her not feeling the spark anymore was the most heartbreaking words I have ever heard. What can I say? I tend to be bored in bed. I like only the bed, I like being comfortable and safe before trying anything and for the first time in my life I got my head in a car, now here I am about to jerk a guy off in a gym.

I did not want to be vanilla and get boring, I knew that had to be the reason why Anna cheated on him. He has only had casual hookups no emotions involved, he looked like he was not hiding from love but rather has not felt it a bit or has not found it. Maybe that is why he was fine with doing it everywhere and I am trying to be like that, I need to catch his heart and maybe through it I can learn a few things myself.

I laid next to him as I pushed my hand into his shorts and him into mine. We were staring at the ceiling and even if he could not feel my heart it was pounding against my chest. This was kind of exciting, we might get caught at anytime because the door was not locked but I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and do anything to win this bet.

I started stroking him then turned my head to look at him He had his eyes closed, and soft moans escaped him. He skillfully stroked me, bringing moans out of me as well.

I looked at the side of his jaw then back at the ceiling while trying to match whatever he was doing. His felt good and I didn't know if mine did the same. I have spent time trying to study a woman I never tried with a man's anatomy. We are not complicated yet he does it and makes it seem complicated cause his felt better than anything I have had.

Which meant most of them were doing it wrong. Then what makes him better? I got pulled out of my head when he lightly squeezed my dick. "Fuck." I was starting to sweat again. My hand moves right over his slit in circles, which seemed to get a more reaction. I can do this, I had to win.

If he is good I have to be better. With each thing that I did that seem to get a reaction out of him, he did something that felt even more amazing. Who knew a handjob could become a competition like this.

Suddenly he took his hand out of my pants causing me to do the same, looking at him confused. "Sorry I don't like that position." He said as he sat on my legs, his dick fully out of his shorts. He pulled my shorts down until I was fully exposed too. He grabbed my dick again and started stroking me again. It was faster than before but then he slowed down. "Do you have any preferences?" He asked in a breathy but raspy voice.

"Not at the moment, you?" I breathed out, this already felt great and I am not about to limit him on anything.

"None." He said as he picked up the pace. "I'm going to bite you." It was more like a warning than him asking for anything because before I could protest to him bruising my beautiful perfect body he had already lifted my shirt and bit my abs. It wasn't hard it just stung a bit.

He licked the part making me shake, hard to admit but no one has ever given me a hickey. His lips licked the part then sucked on it before trailing his tongue over my lower abs then lightly nibbled and did the same thing. The sting washed away and all that was left was pleasure. Fuck. I moaned inside while looking at him.

I felt a familiar feeling fill the pits if my stomach, I pulled him back up by his hair, making sure we are face to face before increasing my pace. Circling as I pulled up and down his eyes directly into mine.

It's like he could sense exactly what I needed because he did the things I needed most in that moment. He squeezed my dick lightly as he sped up and slowed back down. When his thumb went over my slit I came and didn't even realize until I was trembling on the floor of the boxing ring.

Rhys moved my hand and pulled his shorts up. He went down and licked the cum off of my body and it made everything even more sensitive. I watched him and my dick almost stood up once again. "Fuck...fuck." Why was that the hottest thing I have seen in my life? I laid there unable to move for a few seconds. When he was done he sat back, I pulled my shorts up. "You didn't cum." I noticed after getting down from my high.

He shrugged and got up. "Yeah."

"You mean I was that bad I couldn't make you cum." I was both embarrassed and angry for some reason. After making me cum like that he didn't. "I want to make you cum."

"It's fine. You got to cum." He said as if that was all that mattered. He extended his hand so he could help me up.

I slapped it away. "Fuck you." I rolled out of the ring. I glared back at him while picking up my bag and leaving the gym infuriated more than anything. Jumping into my car I almost punched the wheel in anger. The fuck is that about? I failed to make him cum yet he had accomplished that twice without a fail.

I bit into my nail trying to think hard of everything he does to me and I almost got up once again. How can I fail to make him cum? I might be vanilla but I don't suck at sex. I am good at it, I know a human body...okay maybe a man's is a new territory but how hard could it be? Or does he not allow himself to do it?

I parked outside my apartment, walked in, and pulled out my laptop before I could even take a shower. I searched up gay porn, I watched that shit until my eyes hurt. I bought a book on the internet I studied the male organ as if my life depended on it, then called both Jay and Adam.

"I need you to tell me what your partner does that makes you cum." I was straightforward with them but I was on a mission. I could suck at a lot of things but not that.

"What happened to hello?" Jay gasped out.

"Just answer the question." I urged.

"Well, Mia squeezes around-"

"I don't need straight sex right now Adam. I just need to know your body, which part does she touch that turns you on." I sighed. "Jay?"

"I am not gay." We both laughed at him. "Come on guys, I will bring my girlfriend and prove you both wrong, and Kaisen maybe he likes penetration. Some people like that, not me, I mean some people." We were already laughing. "Fuck you guys." He said but was also laughing along.

"I am sensitive on my back, touch that and I am a goner." Adam added.

"Oh my thighs." Jay added again.

"Behind my ear." I leaned back, so we all had different spots. I just had to find Rhys and use that with other things.

We got silent and it all started seeming weird knowing that kind of thing but what did I expect when I asked? "We should not speak of this ever again." Adam spoke before hanging up. I looked at all the opened books about the male anatomy and I knew it was shit if I don't just observe his body, give myself time and learn what he likes.

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