Chapter 51

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

"Am I wrong?" All my friends were in the room and I had just recited what happened. I am so wrong on so many levels but I am not wrong in not wanting him to kill her.

"I understand him." Ivan was the first to speak up. "You're lying, you're fidgeting. He is right to believe you love her and if you don't let him kill her."

"She has her own life, why would we kill her because I used to love her it's so unfair. She is not to blame and doesn't deseve to lose her life over something stupid."

"You pulled out a gun on your boyfriend because of her." Adam said, the one person I expected to be on my side.

"I just don't want him to kill her how hard can this be to understand."

"He shouldn't kill her." Finally, that is why I love Jay. "But you shouldn't have done what you did afterward. It's all fucked up. Man grow up, pulling out a gun for your first love. I would want to put a bullet in her too."

"Kaisen, do you still love Lina?" Adam asked. I held my hands together as I thought of it carefully.

"When I saw her at first my heart skipped. In that second I thought I did, but I don't. I don't love her but I also don't want her to be dead. She can still have her life and I still want to have mine with Rhys. My actions were horrible after that but I do not love her anymore. I am not confused or anything I do not love her." But I also can't let him kill her just because. It's unfair.

We just kept on arguing over nothing at this point. Her being my first love should not get her killed, she never even liked me back. She is someone extremely friendly and touchy but she doesn't deserve a bullet.

I took a drink, some sometimes I forget how stressful relationships can be. I think we needed a few days apart to deflect from everything that happened.

I stayed at Adam's for the next couple of days then ended up at my dad's place, trying to get information out of him but he is hard as steel.

I missed Rhys so much but I knew he needed time and maybe the next time we talk he will be in his right mind to talk to me. I got us tickets to Greece, we needed a vacation and what other way to solve an argument than a vacation? I walked back to his apartment and I punched in the codes, I found him on his PlayStation playing some games. "Hey, Rhys." I touched his shoulder to make him hear me.

He took his headset off. "Wassup?" His eyes didn't leave the game.

"Baby it's me." Is he still he can't even spare me a glance. "I got us tickets for Greece."

"Us or you and Lina?"

"Rhys." I sat at the edge of the table. "It's us." I sighed trying to hold onto my temper.

"Is this supposed to be some type of apology?" He asked, finally pausing the game and looking at me with anger and irritation in his eyes.

"I gave us time to think and I am here because I understand what I did was wrong. How I spoke to you and pulled out my gun, I am deeply sorry."

He nodded. "Okay....what now?"

I held my hands over my eyes. "What do you want from me?" At this point, I don't understand. What does he want?

"I'm asking you what do you want to happen now." He sat up. "Is it my tone that's throwing you off?" His tone was bored and he did seem unbothered so I nodded. He sighed. "We've had time to think about it. Where are we going from here?"

"It all depends on where you stand."

"I want to be with you, but I feel like you're still in love with Lina. The question is, do you want to be with me? Will you leave me the second she decides that she wants to give you a chance?"

"I am not in love with her. I am not in love with her." I almost screamed. "Why do you assume I love her just because I didn't want you to kill her?"

"Your body language. The way you lied. There's a lot of reasons I believe you're still in love with her. You get twitchy whenever I ask questions about her. You don't do that for somebody you don't have feelings for."

"You know what Rhys, at this point I just might." I walked out of there. I spent days trying to cool off so that when I came here we would listen to each other and stop this foolishness.

I slammed the door harshly and then walked away feeling infuriated. I punched the steering wheel hard just to release some of my anger but that wasn't working out well for me I ended up in the gym.

I punched the punching bag with all my might, every punch was filled with anger. Why can't he understand? I am
not in love with her and I have said it over and over. I don't love her...I held the bag and leaned my head onto it. This has to be an excuse for something else, he is turning this into something bigger than it has to be.

He is just searching for a way to break up with me. I peeled my gloves off and while still breathing hard I picked up my phone and called him. I was praying he would pick up and he did.

"I finally figured out what you want. You want to break up with me and that is why you are so bent on convincing me that I am in love with Lina. You know what Rhys? Good because I am so fucking done with this bullshit, if you didn't have the courage to say it I will say it for you. We are done." And I hung up before he could say anything back.

"Fucking shit!" I tugged on my hair in frustration and pain. I don't want something like this to be the end of us, I thought we would be able to make it longer than just four months.

I held my hair, trying to hold in a cry. This is not what I want. I picked up the phone again and called, it went straight to voicemail. "I- I don't want us to break up. I love you, Rhys. Kill her if that will make you feel good If that proves that I love just you. Okay?" I hung up while leaning on the ropes.

If killing her for doing nothing to prove I love him then so be it. I punched the bag with no gloves, crying and screaming. "Is it even worth it anymore?"

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