Chapter 26

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

"Rhys!" Someone called my name, causing me to turn around. I couldn't catch a glimpse of the person before they just pulled me into a kiss. I was completely confused and pushed them, hard.

I frowned, touching my lips. "What the fuck." I finally looked at the person. "J?"

"Did you just put your lips on my boyfriend?" Kaisen spoke while getting up, a look so lethal on his face.

"Oh, Rhys is dating now?" J seemed not concerned at all about the look. Kaisen was not smiling he walked over and stood in front of him.

"Who gave you the right to do that?" He spoke before asking me. "Did you want him to kiss you?"

"Woah calm down." I stood up. "Kaisen...calm down." I turned to J. "What are you doing here?"

He took a step back but yanked on his hair before turning away from us without saying anything. "I just spotted you and decided to say hi." J replied. "We always flirt everytime we meet and you have never dated anyone."

"Never once have you just came up and kissed me." I frowned. I went over to Kaisen I grabbed his hands so he'd stop pulling his hair. He's going to go bald one of these days.

"Not like it was the first time, we've done more." He replied with a scoff. Kaisen turned and gave him a look but still didn't comment. He looked at me and then took a seat once again.

I shook my head before turning to him. "You've been clingy as shit since. I'm dating now so can you just shut the fuck up about it? I'd hate for this to end in the way neither of us want it to."

"If it doesn't last like I know it won't, hit me up." He made a phone gesture, and he tried to leave when the police walked in.

"Jayce Taylor you are under arrest for harassment of a civilian." The officer put handcuffs on J. "You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights?"

"Why am I being arrested?" J looked lost looking at us with fear in his eyes.

"For harassment." They said again.

"Wait!" The police officer looked at me. "Let him go. He's a friend of mine he wasn't harassing me." It's bad for business if I let J get arrested.

"We have to take him until further notice." The officers tried to pull J out.

"Rhys, help me. Tell them I didn't do anything!"

"Fuck." I muttered as I watched them take J. I pulled out my phone and called Khari. I grabbed Kaisen's hand and pulled him out of the restaurant. J was definitely wrong for kissing me, but if he's incarcerated I lose business. "Khari I need you to get J out of prison." I said with a sigh.

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