Chapter 64

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

"Um...we can schedule lunch for another time." I suggested. He doesn't look like he's in the mood for socializing. To be honest I don't think I am either. I want to talk about it but he seems hesitant on expressing his feelings. I don't know what to do to get him to talk.

"I didn't want them here at all but you did." He said with his eyes away from me.

" still scared of me?" I asked although it hurt to even think about it.

"No... it's not that." He lightly stomped his foot, which would be adorable if it wasn't for the conversation topic. "I am not scared of you, I am scared I am gonna lose a grip on what we had and lose myself in something I want to protect but again that is conceited."

"No not conceited. It's not. I'm sorry I used that word to describe you. I don't want you to change, or hide yourself. I- I'm sorry."

"It is okay I am conceited and I know it." He looked me deep in the eyes. "I didn't know I was too much until you pointed it out and that is okay. All I want is for us to be us again and forget everything we said or done. I would prefer not to remember the last two months ever again please."

I nodded. The past two months have been just arguing and fighting. We went a whole month without speaking. "Me too." I sighed. "I guess I'll kick our friends out." I wiped my eyes and tried to get ahold of myself.

"I want to say one last thing before we close the page." He exhaled. "You are an asshole and a crazy rude hurtful bitch!" And it sure as hell came from his heart. "Anything you want to get off your chest as well." I shook my head. I wasn't sure how to feel after what he just said.

"I also want to say that wanting to have sex with you after making up is because getting back together turns me on and never because it's the only thing that I want from you. Also when I cried outside of your door and you refused to open the door at all was out of this world rude. Slamming a door in my face when I am trying to apologize equals disrespectful. Bringing Lina as a prize for me to fuck equals a lack of trust and it's batshit crazy!" He exhaled again. "There I spoke my mind for real now we can close the page."

I nodded. If I say something I'm going to hurt his feelings. "I'm going to tell our friends to go." I mumbled, walking in the living room where all of our friends sat.  It was silent and I know they heard. "I-" before I could even get a word out, tears came flowing out. I tried to speak again but it just turned into sobs.

"Everyone out." They were all hesitant but they stood up one by one and walked out. As soon as they left he came and hugged me. "I had to say what I felt so I can leave it behind and not in my heart. I will not apologize for it cause that makes me want a healthy relationship where I am not afraid of one word breaking us apart." He held my face to make me look at him. "Say it, yell it out if possible."

"Why do you say that when you have always been the one to initiate the break ups?"

He scoffed. "I take them back immediately." He looked around. "You just never check your voicemail or open the door to hear it."

"I slammed the door in your face because you broke up with me and there was nothing left to say. I didn't open the door because I was busy in my room, crying like I had been for the past month. Why break up if you're going to take them back immediately?"

"I get irrational and think I can handle the break up then realize I can't and I take it back. I will stop."

"Everyone argues not all arguments should lead to breakups. About the whole Lina thing. I brought her to you because you said you liked her attention. I gave her to you on a platter. Batshit or not I gave you what you told me you wanted and I left. I needed time to myself. I hate that you couldn't just be honest with me. All trust flew out of the window when you lied about who she was. I asked you specifically asked you if she was an ex. You told me no. Then I find out that you were in love with her. That's lying. You could've said 'we weren't in a relationship but I did have feelings for her' but no you decided to lie from the start. When she walked up to us I expected someone crazy. I didn't expect her to touch you like she did while you sat there doing absolutely nothing. It showed that you had no respect for me and that you would let her do whatever she wanted because she's Lina she can do no wrong. I had to find out from your dad that she was 'the one who got away' before you would actually tell me the truth. Speaking of, your dad giving her your new address, regardless if you were sleeping there at the time or not shows that he had absolutely no respect for our relationship. Yes I understand our family history but it was beyond disrespectful especially when his intentions were getting you together. Now let's close the page."

"Let's wait. Are you over Lina?" I nodded. "Do you trust me? Even a tiny bit?"


"Do you trust that I love you more than I ever loved her?"

"Yes." If he wanted her he would've dated her that night I left. We wouldn't even be here right now.

"Good now let me say one more thing. I love my dad but he has zero say in my relationship. What I do or who I am with doesn't concern him and he knows that because I told him to keep out and not give out my address ever again."

He took both my hands. "This is us, we have us to blame if things don't work out. And we have us to make it work, it shouldn't be stressful. Love and relationships should mean peace. If it becomes something else then it's not worth it anymore, let's make it worth it. Let's always talk and believe in ourselves, only listen to us because this is only about us. Us should matter okay?"

I nodded. "Okay...I'm glad we talked. It's like a weight has been lifted."

"Me too." He sighed with a smile before cupping the side of my face. "Seal it with a kiss." He whispered just before attaching our lips. The passion, trust, and love was in the kiss again. I loved it. I pulled him closer. I missed this.

He hummed with a moan his hands snaking inside my shirt and one on my butt. He broke the kiss. "I think we should stop there." He pecked my lips one more time before pulling me into a hug. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I love him more and more everyday. "Do you- is it okay if know."

"Say it."

"Have sex." I muttered, burying my face in his neck.

"Yes, we should." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slightly pulled on my hair taking my face out of his neck before kissing me once again while leading me upstairs with his palms groping my ass. "Are you topping?"

"Yeah." I said, kissing him again.

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