Chapter 32

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

Sick Kaisen is a pain in the ass, but we made it through. Barely. I didn't end up punching him. He is a little crazy when sick though. A big baby.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked in the room. "Oh good morning." I pecked Kaisen's cheek. He was finally awake. He was feeling and looking amazing and I was glad.

"A good morning indeed. I feel better, I no longer wish for death." He cheered. "I didn't say anything at night right?"

"Oh nothing too crazy. Just that you loved me." I joked. He was, but just mumbled incoherent nonsense.

His face morphed into horror..."I-I did?" He pushed himself off the bed. "I can explain that."

"I'm only kidding." I dropped the towel and put on briefs. "I think I'd know if you were in love with me." I pulled on my sweatpants then shirt.

"Oh...oh yeah." He nervously laughed. "I will go shower now."

"I'll make us breakfast while you do that." I turned to him before leaving. "And because I like you, I'll make you Concha Bread."

"I feel special, maybe you're falling for me."

"Definitely not." I said before I could even think about it. He gave a short smile while shaking his head and closed the door behind him.

I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I wasn't really in the mood for anything so I made everything. I made pancakes, hash browns, eggs, concha bread, sausage, bacon, biscuits, and a fruit salad without strawberries.

Kaisen came downstairs as I was setting the table. I smiled. "You look nice....which is good since you spent an hour in there." I shook my head with a smile. "Beauty takes time?" I leaned in to kiss him.

"It sure does." He agreed with his eyes on the meals. "This all looks so good."

"It's a lot. I wasn't sure what to cook." I sat down at the table. "How are you feeling?"

"I doubt I will be feeling good for a long time but hey I'm alive." He shrugged while taking a seat.

I frowned. "What's wrong?" His attitude has changed since he went for his shower.

"Nothing." He looked at the food. "Why would anything be wrong with a feast like this?"

"I- you just seem different. Do you have any plans today?" I shook off the odd feeling. "I was thinking we could go out and do something together."

"After being cooped up in here for two days I need to do something so yes please. What plans?"

"I haven't thought that far. I'm tired of sitting here. I'm glad it was with you though. I don't know what I'd do if I had to sit in the house that long by myself."

"Park or carnival?" He looked at me with a smile. "What do you say?"

"I've never been to a carnival."

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