Chapter 20

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I was completely unfazed by the fact that I wasn't able to cum. So unfazed that I was sitting on my couch with shrimp fried rice in one hand and a spoon in the other. I was watching Cars 2 and eating the food that I've been craving for days now. Life is great.

My phone rang, pulling my eyes off of the movie that I've seen a thousand times. "Speak now or forever hold your peace." I said, putting the phone on speaker. I didn't bother checking the caller id so when I heard Kaisen's voice I paused my movie.

He was laughing. "Are you always that dramatic?"

"Somewhat. What's up?" I paused. "Besides the sky." I was curious as to why he was calling me at eleven pm.

He laughed once again. "You're funny." He sighed. "I wanted to apologize for earlier, hacked around and got your number."

"Oh so you wanted to talk to me?" I smiled, taking a bite of my food. "Apology accepted."

"That your character keeps on surprising me every single day."

"I'm not sure why you're apologizing so it's accepted." I shrugged.

"You know why." I could tell what he was hinting at. "Can I take you to dinner? A real dinner. Not fake or shit, a real one no games."

"No games like no bet?" I asked curiously.

"I mean you get to dress nice, not a command but a request."

I hummed, taking another bite. "When?"

"This weekend, if you're not busy." He was fairly polite.

"Okay. Saturday is good."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

I hummed. I waited on him to hang up but he didn't. "What are you doing?" I decided to ask.

He chuckled. "I can't tell you that so let's just say I am...uh studying. Or is that more embarrassing?"

"No the smartest most perfect guy in the world studying makes you sound more human."

"Was that sarcastic or from your heart?"

"Both." I played the movie but put it on mute. I knew this movie by heart so I didn't need to hear it.

"Why have you never been in a relationship?" He asked suddenly.

It caught me off guard. "Why do you think I'm a catch?" I laughed.

"Despite our relationship you don't seem like a horrible person to date. Sometimes you are but yeah its weird and you're a don on top of that. I know a lot of people are waiting."

"They are waiting, but I likely won't have a Donna. I don't see myself with anyone and the mafia is only concerned about having an heir so I'll just get a surrogate." I put the plate down and laid on the couch.

"I can't drag anyone in this life but knowing I have to have a child and raise them in this life is already a lot. I hardly want kids it doesn't mean I'm going to be a shit dad...I have one of those and I don't recommend it. I just don't want to drag their mom in this shit too. At least someone has a choice right?"

I was met with silence for two full seconds. "I have never spoken to anyone who fully understands or is going through the same shit. That is exactly how I feel, yes there a times were I am glad to be a part of the life I am in but sometimes if I did have a choice I would not choose it. I don't recommend it, gotta be tough and... it's brutal."

"Yeah that's exactly it. If you're nice they're going to-" I sighed. "It's even worse than just doing what you're told." I hummed. "Because we are mob bosses it's either be brutal or get killed."

"And the only way out is in a body bag."

"Imagine quicksand. You accidentally step in that shit and it's hard to get out. That's how I think of it. Somehow some way you get in this life and you either leave by some miracle or a body bag. The latter is more common."

"I am surviving, no matter what. This body in a body bag would be such a waste, I need to be studied." The teasingness in his voice could be heard.

I laughed. "I'll study you."

"I will donate everything to the study you will lead. I can't imagine all of this rotting away."

"I've never studied male anatomy but if it's your dying wish I guess I should get started."

"Let's hope that happens in fifty years from now, I don't plan on dying young." He laughed. "I would like to keep your eyes if you die."

"I'm sorry?" I laughed. It caught me off guard. "Gonna sell them? It'll be pretty hard to prove they were the same set of eyes."

"I take pictures of you and prove they were from the same person."

"Photoshop. Even then no one is going to want to buy mismatched eyes."

"If they don't want them I do."


"They are rare and I like rare unique things."

I hummed. "Sure. I distinctly remember you calling me a freak, but I'll write it in my will."

"I think I remember being frustrated with you at the moment and wanting to hurt your feelings. Like you got me sun burnt."

I didn't respond, deciding not to get into that again. "What are you studying?"

"Nothing, I am talking to you and planning on going to bed. Good night Rhys."

"Good night Kaisen." I looked at the tv. "What time are we meeting?"

"7 pm."

"Is this a date?"

"Yes, it is."

"Good night." I hung up before he could respond. I put my phone down, completely confused. It's a date but he said we're not doing this for the bet.

That's stupid.

I want to win and he's fucking it up. Wait. Maybe it is for the bet but he's telling me it's not so he can win. HA. I'm a fucking genius. He's not going to trick me into losing.

I will win.

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