Chapter 61

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

We walked in and I kept a distance from him even if I wanted to take his hand I was scared to do that. He was not the Rhys I have come to get to know. He is not the sweet-loving Rhys but rather a distant and angry Rhys that I didn't want to mess with at all. "Oh, Mr. Hill nice to see you here again." Mr. Peterson, the manager of this place shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you again." I let go as he presented his hand to Rhys. "This is Rhys Delano, the one who wanted to check out the Doc Hudson car."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Delano. If you don't mind please follow me."

Rhys held out his hand for me to grab. When I looked at him hesitantly and confused he sighed. "It's a step."

I was surprised but took it, a feeling I missed quite a lot. I gulped not looking at him as we followed Mr. Peterson. We passed various cars, amazing cars until we reached the one and only Doc Hudson on his own platform. I let go of Rhy's hand. "Check it out."

He practically ran to the car. "Can I touch it?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with pure joy and happiness. I nodded while moving towards Mr. Peterson.

"Can he get a test drive?"

"I'm sorry, he can't do that."

"And if I am to buy it?" He can't just look at it, touch it then walk away. He needs to drive it. "

If you are to buy it then he can have a test drive."

"Get it set up." I moved back to Rhys, he was already inside. "They are setting up a driving test but for that, we have to buy the car. Are you fine with it or is this enough?"

"Buy like we take it home?"

"Yes, they don't allow test drives." He nodded, touching and looking at every part of the car. "Are we buying it?" I had to confirm, I didn't know what that nod meant.

"Yes." He reached for his wallet.

I lightly pushed his wallet. "I brought you here let me pay for it." I brought him here he shouldn't pay unless he had a problem with it too.

He nodded. "Thanks."

The answer took me by surprise and I sighed while moving back. Mr. Peterson and a few of his employees came back to get us. "Do you want me to join you?" I asked after they brought us two suits.


I watched him walk into the locker room and lock the stall door. I got into mine and took a seat first trying to stop my head from spinning and my heart from aching too much. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time just 3:15 pm and I feel like it has been ten hours of total silence or simple yeah and thanks.

Yes, we held hands but it still didn't feel like it used to be. I held my hands over my eyes. 'Time and patience.' I have already been given a chance asking for more after just hours is just too much.

I suited up and when I got out Rhys was already in the car. I handed Mr. Peterson my card to work on the payment as we started the drive. Just remembering Mcqueen made me curious about this car as well. The seats for this one were more comfortable than McQueen and I got curious of its speed. So far I liked it's interior. "The interior is warm." I commented but didn't expect a reply.

He hummed and started driving. It wasn't fast as the other one, but it was pretty fast. Rhys smile didn't disappear as we drove.

We did a few laps and all I did was watch him for the entire test with a smile. "How is it? Better than Mcqueen?"

He shook his head, parking the car. "McQueen is faster but Doc is a classic." He took his seatbelt off and threw himself onto me, pulling me in a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I hugged him back, tighter not wanting to let go. He didn't pull out of the hug. After a minute I heard him sniffle. A few seconds later my shirt was wet, but by then he was full on crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" I was extremely worried now, I thought he was having fun.

He didn't say anything and continued to cry. He held me tighter. He didn't want to talk about it so I only held him. "I'm sorry." I was worried it was something I did or said. I tried to remember anything I said and to be frank I haven't said or done a lot. He cried on my shoulder and all I did was hold him and try to comfort him as much as I could.

"I-" he sniffled. "I hate this."

The car? I thought he wanted it or at least he showed he wanted it. "We can leave, we don't have to be here if you don't want." I pulled out the hug. "Let's go."

He shook his head. "I hate this." He motioned between us. "I hate how we are now." He wiped his eyes. "I hate how I'm hesitant to hug or kiss you and how I'm scared to get close to you again. I hate how things ended. I hate that you're trying to be better but I keep thinking it's all going to end. I hate this."

I looked ahead. I destroyed this in a stupid way. I am the reason we are here. I am the reason we are acting like we are walking on broken glass. "I will make sure it never ends again." I looked back at him. "I love you Rhys and I will make sure we are back to how we were. I will make sure you forgive me." I wiped the tear from my eye.

He nodded. "I didn't mean to cry. I just-" he sighed. "I don't know."

"No, I just did that in the bathroom." I confessed. "The way we are is....hard." For lack of better words. "I can hardly say anything and not like I deserve any better but... let's forget it." It wasn't the right time to say that. "Should we go out for dinner? I bet you're hungry."

He got out of the car and opened the passenger door and sat in my lap, hugging me. "It probably won't I'm going to just embrace it, even if it hurts me in the end. I'm not trying to be negative, I just...don't have the same amount of trust for you that I once had."

'But you can trust me!' I begged internally. You can, you can trust me. Instead, I nodded while trying to hold my tears back. 'It won't last' I think that hurt more. The thought of him being here just thinking how we are not going to last, I didn't know what to say except hug him.

"Let's go for dinner."

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