Chapter 33

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

He drove us to the carnival. I had my hand in his but my mind was somewhere else. The way he keeps calling me names and saying how he loves me is fake and I know they are fake yet I believe them because a part of me wants them to be true.

Who builds a secret closet for someone they are not in love with? If he can do that then I wonder what he would do for someone he indeed loves and cares about which isn't me in the slightest. I guess my proposal made him go 'I can make him fall faster this way' I just wanted to see if there would be genuineness in his words or actions. I can try to fool myself a million times but that is that.

He is not in love with me, no matter what I try to tell myself. I caressed the bracelet on his wrist, the one I had gifted to him on his birthday it was still on his wrist. It had been on from the very first day he got sick and he had not taken it off once.

We arrived at the carnival and after safely parking we both walked out. "Are you afraid of heights?" I asked as we walked into the carnival hand in hand, as soon as my eyes caught the roller coasters I wanted to go there.

"Nope." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the biggest ride.

Aren't we just perfect for each other? We made the line, I told him to keep our spot as I walked away and bought us bunny headbands and cotton candy, getting one large one for the two of us. I rested the headband on his head mine already on them the cotton candy. "Like it?"

"I look silly." He said but smiled at me. "You look adorable."

"We both look silly and adorable." I hugged him while taking a bite of the cotton candy. "Next round is us."

"Are you excited?"

"I love things that give me a rush, I am so excited." The last ride stopped and now it was our turn. We took the middle seats and got strapped in before it started moving slowly. I pulled out my phone. "First ride together boyfriend say cheese."

He had the brightest smile on his face as he held up the peace sign. I took the picture right before we descended. Not scary for now. It climbed up at a really slow pace. "These kind of drops drop my heart to my stomach." I ready myself, it does but it is also the best feeling ever.

He squeezed my hand. "I love you." He said right before we went down the hill.

I expected this game to bring me closer but the more he threw the word around the more I felt further and further away and hurt. It was plainly clear he was not in love, he was playing the game and he was playing it well. I squeezed his hand back with a tiny smile but when another fall came I was kind of numb to it.

The rest of the ride I did my best to have fun and throw in a smile here and there but it all landed flatly until it was over. "What next?" My cheerful voice came back.

He pulled me into him. "You choose."  He interlocked our fingers with a bright genuine smile.

"Photobooth." I pointed, it had a less line than rides here plus I needed some bigger memory of this day. I pulled him close to it. "You choose the next one."

He nodded and ran the rest of the way to the photobooth. He turned to me and fixed my bunny ears. "You really do look handsome." He said in a soft whisper like it was our secret. He pecked my forehead softly. "You make me happy."

I cupped his cheeks, kissing him deeply, my heart fluttering. "You make me happy as well." The only difference is I mean it. I pulled him inside and sat him on my lap. I set up the picture before he could move, another one I decided to kiss him while pulling his bunny ears.

He smiled and kissed me back. We did allot of different poses better were done. "What's next?" He asked, looking at the pictures.

"Your turn to choose." I took off my bunny ears and then put them back on after fixing my hair. I took the pictures from his hands and went through them. "I will take this and this and this and take these."

He looked at the pictures I gave him. "Is it possible to look hot and adorable at the same time?"

"Are you talking about me or you?" Cause we both looked good. If we were a real couple we would be the hottest couple ever.

"Me obviously." He rolled his eyes then laughed. "I'm talking about you. You look hot and adorable at the same time."

"For a second I thought you have become me. That is a me thing to say." I teased while looking at the pictures. "I believe today you took the cake, your skin is glowing and mine is dead after two days of being sick."

"I'm losing my tan." He looked at his skin. "Is something wrong with your eyes Kai?"

"Since when am I Kai?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You don't like it? I thought it was cute...I can go back to Kaisen." He cleared his throat, looking less relaxed.

"No...whatever makes you comfortable. I just enjoyed...what was it again in Spanish? My life?"

He smiled. "Mi vida (my life)."

"Mi Vida. The best one so far." It had a nice ring to it and I guess I enjoyed being his life. "Let's get some ice cream."

"What's your favorite ice cream, mi amor (my love)?"

"Pistachio or salted caramel or mint chocolate. Honestly, I eat everything but those three are top tier."

He frowned. "I've never tried them but they sound disgusting." He grabbed my hand.

"Not for the weak." He gave me a grumpy face I laughed while holding onto his shoulders. "I eat everything, that is my problem. What are yours?"

"Vanilla." He paused. "Give me your wallet."

"Vanilla?" I pulled out my wallet but I gave him a look. "Just vanilla, okay I know I am indecisive and I eat everything but just vanilla. Just vanilla?" How old is he two? It's like being asked your favorite pizza and plainly saying sausage. Is sausage nice? Yes. Is it the best? No. Vanilla is nice but boring, and that is why my ex left because I was vanilla.

He looked at me weird as he put my wallet in his pocket. "Just vanilla." He mocked, rolling his eyes. "Hear me out though." He turned to me. "Vanilla is good with any topping. Like if you want Reese's in it, it's delicious. No one is getting Neapolitan with Reese's."

"Any topping on any Ice cream is good Rhys. Vanilla with any topping is good but not the best." I spoke while holding onto his shoulders.

"You're incorrect and disgusting. Let's both just order vanilla ice cream and everybody is happy."

"Okay." I gave up with a laugh. I have no problem with vanilla.

He jumped on me and wrapped his legs around my waist as he hugged me. "I love you!" He said happily.

I huffed while holding onto his ass to steady him. I smiled, well now vanilla is my favorite. If saying yes gets me a huge hug then I will never say no ever again. "Let's get vanilla ice cream."

He hugged me tighter. "Best boyfriend ever." He pecked my neck.

I held onto the side of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. My heart melted with the fact that I still have him like this. Fake or not I don't want to trade this with anything else...he was the best fake boyfriend ever and I loved him.

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