Chapter 7

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I trashed my entire house after they left, even if I failed to handle my anger I was still livid. By the time security came in, I shot three of them. They were all useless. How can someone come into my penthouse when they are here to stop that from happening?

I stormed into my bedroom and snatched my clothes off. Rhys needed to learn who he was messing with. He needed to learn a lesson. Who does he think he is to waltz in here like that?

"Kaisen." Adam ran into my bedroom. "Are you okay?"

"No I am not. That bitch walked into my penthouse and ruined my dinner with Anna then walked out with her. She fucking chose him in front of me." As if his entrance was not humiliating enough, taking her away was worse. The way he pecked her then took her away...

"What are you gonna do?"

"I will not let this one slide like that-" Oh an idea came to me. "Get me everything you can find on the people close to him." If he can steal her from me then I should steal someone from him.

"What is your plan?" I smiled while raising my eyebrow but didn't reply. That was for me to know and for him to get me something I could use to put Rhys in his place. I walked into my closet picking out another shirt before deciding to go to my parent's house. This penthouse needed to be renovated urgently or I should relocate after that invasion.

I went to my parents and we had dinner, it had been so long since we had one. They had been spending more time at the hospital abroad than here, I am basically the only one dealing with everything around here.

By the next day, Adam had gotten me some information about Rhys' friends and close family. I passed through them but I couldn't find anything to use. "This is useless." I threw the papers down. "I need something useful. Does Rhys have any cousins I could sleep with?" His sister is obviously married and pregnant.

"You want to sleep with his family?"

"He slept with my girl, it's only fair. Search his family and get me, someone-"

"Sage is gay." Jay interrupted. "And he is the closet one to Rhys."

"So?" Oh fuck. Is he suggesting... "Do you want to sleep with him?" I didn't know one of my best friend is batted for that side. Is he finally coming out?

"I am not gay." He denied. Yeah, Jay, like we see some signs but there is no genuine way of knowing if he was actually gay.

"We are not going to judge." Adam replied.

"Oh shut up and listen to me." We sighed but gave him the audience. "Sage is one of his close inner circle and you kinda know how to seduce someone. Seduce him, it will hit close to home with Rhys." It made sense, I sat back on my table still trying to figure it out.

"Seduce a dude, I know I am the best but that isn't my profession." I have never even tried or even thought of it. I don't want to doubt myself in any way but a 'dude' now that is something I don't know if I can pull off.

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