Chapter 59

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I didn't want to cook when it was obvious he was mad at me. Why the hell did I do that? Why couldn't I wait now I made him feel like sex was the only thing I wanted when it was too far away from the truth at all.

I wanted to keep on apologizing but he told me 'Kitchen' right now I am scared I might end up ruining this chance in seconds so I am cooking. I might ruin it but hey, at least I am where he wants me to be.

I pulled out every ingredient he wanted and rested it on the counter then started chopping. I began with the carrots. My eyes would be on it then to Rhys who was watching me so hard I was cautious since he was mad.

One thing I didn't wanna do ever again was make him mad, I will avoid it at all cost. I am a changed person today onwards. His beautiful eyes become terrifying and malicious when mad, I swear I feel like he might snap me in half.

Especially when he says 'Okay' one word to make sure I never pull out of him. The way he says it just makes me tremble in my knees. I always feel like he is planning on taking out my brainwash it then putting it back because he's had enough.

I might be too much and exhaust him because of my weird self-absorption. I sighed and it felt like I did wrong to sigh my eyes moved to Rhys immediately. He didn't react, just watched me as I butchered the carrots.

I brought out the peppers and just taking out the seeds was a lot of work. "You hate me right now, don't you?" I could feel it, his eyes showed it but why wouldn't he when I had just made him feel dirty?

"Focus on cooking or you'll chop a finger."

Still hates me and is mean. I focused on chopping the peppers and then went to the onion. I wept, and my eyes stung but I got through it and Rhys didn't move at all. He didn't even tell me 'Babe are you okay?' or 'Let me help you' No he was as hard as stone. Like he was punishing me, I just had to be strong and get through it.

I unwrapped the minced meat as I turned on the stove. I poured in the oil "Um babe- I mean Rhys can you instruct me." I don't know the steps very well. What goes in after the oil is still unknown to me.

"Figure it out." He stayed there with his arms crossed, watching me. The oil was beaming hot and I had no idea what was next. I poured in the onion and they just burned. I turned the stove off 'Fuck' I had to pour that out before trying again because Rhys proved he was not gonna help at all.

I poured in the oil and the onion right away. I pulled out my phone and started following the instructions. Onion was right 'Yeah' I smiled. It smelled great too which meant I was doing something right with my food. Too bad Rhys was not intervening at all. He was just so gloomy I wondered if things would ever be great again.

"I-" I opened my mouth to ask something but I closed it and decided to check on my phone instead before I got a reply I was not ready for. By the time I finished the mashed potatoes I had not cut or burnt myself at all and everything was well spiced. The plating was not so much plus the place where I cooked was not viewable at all. "It's done, are you gonna try?" I hoped he would but I would also understand if he doesn't. It might be not up to his taste.

"Yeah." He grabbed the plate and took a bite of the food. "You could work on a few things but overall...not bad." He kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you?" It's my first somehow successful meal he was supposed to say it was perfect. I looked at it losing the appetite I didn't even have in the first place. "Oh I forgot to tell you but Cheko got caught by Dad." He invited me into his torture chambers and I found Cheko being ripped apart. "He finally told me what was in the flash and it information about all drug cartels. The routes, the names of their suppliers the pictures of their leaders all information was on that one memory card." It could get everyone's identity leaked at any time. He was holding so much power in his arms.

"I wonder how long that took to build that."

"He said years but didn't specify." He never reveals so much even to me. "But he won't be revealing anything, I think it's more of a blackmail type of situation."

He nodded. "It's smart. Having something so big over everyone's heads."

He looked not worried about it. "Are you worried?" I asked not looking at him but at my food that I was trying to eat but I didn't.

"No. Eat."

"He has a lot of shit about you."

"Okay." He seemed so unbothered it confused me. "Do you want me to shove the food down your throat?"

"I will do it myself." Slowly and normally. I pulled out a chair and took a seat facing away from him. He was terrifying. I pulled out my phone and decided to start getting rid of what I thought was happiness but was an illness. I slowly started going through it while eating my food also slowly. I went through my picture album and deleted all of the compliments that I saved in my phone.

"Do you like it?"

"Like what?" I turned back to him.

"The food? Do you like what you cooked?"

"You were right it needs some work." I turned back to the phone where I continued deleting. He hummed, got up and went upstairs. I deleted so much that I forgot all about the food and when I was done with that I decided to get off all social media for a while. No more posting just so I could get used to the process and all.

I looked at my almost-eaten plate before going upstairs where I found Rhys getting out of the shower. I paused for a second before diverting my eyes and turning my back to him. "I didn't know you were showering, I just came to say I deleted everything." He didn't reply which made it even more awkward. "I will go back to my apartment, can I call you tonight?"


"Great thank you." I finally turned back to him and he was still in a towel. "Yeah....see you." I checked him out for just a millisecond before closing the door so I didn't come off as 'I only want sex guy'.

I scratched my hair. Nothing wrong with cuddling, we can cuddle. Yes, we can. I held the doorknob ready to push it and ask if I could stay and we cuddled but the thought of getting 'Okay' or 'No' made me retract my hand and instead get back downstairs.

At least we weren't over. We were building something at his pace if there was even a pace. I just know we will get back there slowly, just patience and I have a lot of that. I was able to wait a month which was more miserable than this.

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