Chapter 8

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

"Are you okay?" I asked Sage. He's been acting twitchy all morning.

He shook his head. I grabbed my gym bag out of my car. We're at school at six am for stupid ass track practice. It's honestly too early for this.

"I- we need to talk." His voice was small and low. I frowned. This wasn't like Sage at all.

"Sage...háblame (talk to me)."

"I-" he looked behind me and stiffened. I turned around. Kaisen was approaching us with a smile on his face.

"Don't you have somewhere better to be?"

"Rhys, I'm not here for you chill." He walked straight to Sage. "Hi baby." He pecked him on the cheek.

My heart dropped. "Baby? Sage...why did he just-" I looked at Khari. This had to be a joke "Did you see that? No I'm seeing things." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm seeing things." I repeated, trying to piece together what was happening.

"You didn't tell them about our night together?" His eyes were on Sage. "Was it meant to be a secret...oops." He laughed sarcastically.

I looked at Sage and he could hardly hold eye contact with me, is this why he has been twitching all morning? Because he slept with him- Before I could even think about it I punched Kaisen in the face. I punched him again and again. He wasn't fighting back, he only smiled through the punches which pissed me off even more. I kept punching him until someone pulled me off. "I'm going to kill you Kaisen Hill!"

"Oh Rhys you missed the show, too bad I didn't record your boy moaning underneath me."

I looked at Sage. "Out of everyone in the fucking world Sage." I pushed Khari off of me. "You went for enemy number one." He stood there in silence. "Di algo (say something)!" He shook his head and looked away. I pulled my gun out and aimed it at Kaisen. "Voy a volarte la maldita cabeza (I'm going to blow your fucking head off)!"

Both Adam and Jay were at his side but he stopped them as he stood up while wiping blood from his mouth. "Shoot me." He didn't show a sign of fear. "Remember the one to break the treaty between families loses everything and I am willing to die just to see you go back to the hole you came out of."

Khari stood in front of me. "You can't." My eyes were still on Kaisen. "Listen to me." He held my face, making me look at him. "Are you willing to start a war over him?"

I felt tears building up. I don't usually cry but I love Sage more than I love myself. "But Sage...I- he's- he- I-" I stepped back. "I can't breathe." I was shaking with anger, fear, everything.

"It's not real." I chanted. I looked at Sage. "You didn't- right?" Every time I think about it I get so angry. I raised my gun, about to shoot Kaisen when Khari knocked the gun out of my hand.

"Stop!" I yelled. "He- Sage!" I couldn't even say it. I punched Khari in the face and launched at Kaisen. I choked him, watching as he was quickly started losing oxygen.

I'm going to kill him.

Almost everyone pulled me off of him, he held his neck looking straight into my eyes, coughing for a second before smiling "How does it feel?" He mocked. "It fuckin hurts huh?"

I tried launching at him again but Khari held me tighter than before. "I'm sorry." Sage's voice cracked as he spoke.

I shook my head. "Did he drug you? Did you consent?" He must've tricked him in some way. Sage wouldn't do it. I can't believe it. I won't believe it. "Sage... chico (boy)...answer me."

"I-" I pulled him into a hug. I won't believe it. He couldn't have done this soundly, this bitch did something to trick him into something like this. It was not his fault.

"Go to the car." I whispered in his ear. It was a command and I was not asking him as a friend. "Khari...let me go." He only held on to my shirt tighter. "Now." I growled. He let go and stepped back.

I stepped closer to Kaisen. "You can do whatever you want to me, but don't you touch him."

"You don't tell me what to do." He stepped a bit closer but still far away from my hands. "You should have kept your hands off my girl and I didn't drug him. He just fell for my charms and forgot all about loyalty. It happens when you look like me but you wouldn't know now would you"

"You're like a love sick puppy and it's fucking pathetic. Doing all of this over a girl who barely likes you." I shook my head. "She wouldn't know loyalty if it hit her in the face and the fact that you think I was the only one she had sex with really shows how delusional you are." I stepped closer. "I don't like repeating myself so next time I'll do more than break in your house."

"Oh please, you still think I am hung up over her. Nah, I don't hold onto bitches that go around fucking bitches like you. I did it because you overstepped, Delano. When I told you to stay in your lane." He moved back looking me up and down before walking away.

"Give daddy dearest my condolences, yeah?" I laughed.

Kaisen turned back and jumped onto me. The way he punched me without any smile on his face made me want to smile. When he got pulled back by his friends he only stormed out after giving me a really dangerous look.

I hit a nerve there, I shook my head and got into my car. "Keep tabs on his dad. I want to know where he is at all times." I told Khari.

I held my head into my hands. It was pounding and I could hardly think. My vision was blurred and I couldn't focus. I wanted to ask Sage about what happened but I don't think I can handle it. To think he willingly had sex with my enemy. That's betrayal on another level.

I looked at Sage after a few minutes. He still wouldn't make eye contact with me and has barely said anything. I sighed. "I want to know everything that happened." I paused. "In detail."

I need to know how he was able to get to Sage so I can stop it from happening ever again.

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