Chapter 2

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

"Is all of this really necessary?" I asked Riley, who keeps passing more bags and boxes to our bodyguards.

"You think I'd do this if it wasn't?" She rolled her eyes as she continued to throw more clothes into the basket.

I sighed. "Of course not." I lied with a smile on my face.

She held two dresses up. "Pink or blue?" I pointed to the pink one.

I glanced at my watch. "I'm going to go step outside for a second." She waved me off, not caring.

I walked out of the store and immediately lit a cigarette. "Dios mío (my god)." I mumbled, inhaling the smoke. Pregnant ladies give you the biggest fucking headache.

Riley is my older sister. She's pregnant with her first child and of course it's twins. Thankfully she's engaged already to millionaire, Alex Renteria. He's a regular CEO of a tech company and offered me a job when I graduated seeing as I'm kind of a tech nerd to put it lightly.

Alex is a cool guy I guess. He seems like he's always on guard ever since he found out that he was engaged to the daughter of Sylvester Delano aka my father.

He's a big name in the mob business and feared to anyone who knows his name, even the ones who don't. If I'm being completely truthful he doesn't scare me. I just do what he says to save myself a headache....and nose bleed but we don't talk about that.

Before I could finish the cigarette, my best friends, Sage and Khari walked over to me. "Finally." I rolled my eyes, though they couldn't see through my sunglasses.

I have heterochromatic eyes and didn't have time to put on a contact. I wear glasses 75% of the time. When I'm not wearing glasses I have a blue contact in.

Sage took the cigarette out of my mouth and put it in his. "What's up?" I'm not even surprised he did that. He smokes almost as much as me, if not more.

We've been friends pretty much all of our lives. He comes from a mafia family as well and his dad is my dad's third in command. Naturally we spent a lot of time together and have grown closer. Khari and I were the first people he came out to when he was fourteen.

Khari will be my second in command when I finally take over the business and I couldn't find anyone more perfect for that job. While Sage is more of a torture kind of guy, Khari specializes in weapons. He knows weapons inside and out and for some strange reason spends his free time either looking for a new person to take to bed or taking apart guns.

I don't like to involve myself in his sex life though. I hear he's into some weird shit.

I looked back at the shop where my sister was. "I need you to get me the fuck out of here."

Khari laughed. "And how do you expect us to do that?"

"I don't know think-" I was cut off by my sister screaming in excitement. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes.

She ran as fast as a pregnant lady could and gave Khari a hug. Sage immediately stomped on the cigarette and blew the smoke out, fanning the cloud.

"I'm so glad you two are here! You guys can help me decide!" She grabbed Khari's hand, dragging him in the store. Khari grabbed Sage's hand and Sage grabbed mine. We all ended up back in this stupid ass store when all I wanted to do was go home. I mentally cursed Alex as his fuck ass business meeting.

I groaned as we were back on the baby isle. "Pink or blue?" She held up two dresses again.

"Blue." They both said simultaneously.

"I like the flowers in blue. The baby would look like a true princess." Sage nodded. They don't even know the gender yet.

"That's what I was thinking!" Riley screamed in excitement.

I typed in a code that would have my phone ring in exactly five minutes. I can't take this shit no more. My day has already been shit.

I went to Anna's house and finished her twice but I didn't cum not once. Which fucking sucks because at this point it's been damn near a month. I think my dick is broken and yes I will cry about it.

My phone went off and I pretended to answer it. "Hello?......Now?" I sighed. "Okay." I looked at Khari and Sage. "The Don wants to have a" I walked out of the store as they said their goodbyes.

They were quick to follow me. As soon as we were out of sight of the store I stopped with a sigh. "I swear your patience is getting thinner and thinner by the day." Khari said, shaking his head. It only took a second for him to realize the phone call was fake.

"It is." I pulled out a cigarette. "My dick is broken."

"Broken how?"

"Broken like I haven't came in a month." Their eyes widened.

"Who have you been sleeping with?"

"Anna." I shrugged.

"Annalise?!" Khari yelled causing me to cover his mouth and look around.

"Yes Annalise shut the fuck up." I gritted out.

"Everybody knows she is Kaisen Hill's girl." Sage scolded.

I glared at him despite the fact I was wearing glasses. "I know whose girl she is."

"And you still fuck with her? You bold motherfucker."

I shrugged. "She came onto me and I only go to her for stress relief. Though lately I've just been getting stress added on."

"Fucking her is like fucking Kaisen." Khari sook his head.

"He probably came inside her and not even an hour later you stuck your dick in it." Sage laughed.

"That's karma for your ass."

"Okay whose side are you on?" I asked, getting irritated.

"Yours always but-"

"No buts, help me fix my dick." They laughed like a bunch of immature children. "You're children I don't know why I asked."

"I'm- sorry." Khari laughed. "It's-" he laughed even harder, unable to get a full sentence out.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up." I rolled my eyes again.

"Speak of the devil and she shall Chanel?" Sage said confused.

"Yeah no I've never heard that saying." Khari rolled his eyes and pointed to a group of girls. I looked over there and in the middle of those girls was Annalise fucking Wilson. She wore a pink plaid two piece skirt set and white heels. Fuck did she look amazing. It was much different from the red lingerie she was wearing a few hours ago.

"Rhys...I didn't expect to run into you today." Her and her friend group approached us.

"What do you do on the days you do expect to run into me?" I asked, licking my lips.

Her eyes darted to my lips. "Be mentally prepared for your sarcasm of course." She smiled. I could see the lust behind her eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow...yeah?"

"Tomorrow?" She looked at me like I just revealed we were having sex.

"English, love. We have English together." I smiled, amused at how she was clearly freaking out.

"Right...bye." She and her friends ran off, you could hear her friends teasing her.

"How come I've never noticed you two were flirting until after I found out you guys were hooking up?" Khari said, his eyes still on the group of girls.

I shrugged. "You also didn't notice your shirt was backwards until I told you...which was just yesterday."

"Oh fuck you!" He shoved me.

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