Chapter 13

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

Now I am sure why he fucked my girlfriend, he wanted my attention. That gay ass, now I am officially homophobic because he makes all gays and bisexuals look bad and right now since he is in that group I hate them all.

Mother fucker, I didn't know I was arguing with a gay. I should have saved my energy from day one. Now I understand why he wanted my attention his gay ass was wishing he could have a piece of me.

I laughed through the pain that was eating at my hand at the thought of falling into his trap. All along, shit how can I be so stupid. But I can't blame myself, I thought the fucker was actually straight. Maybe I should have fucked him instead of Sage, giving him a taste of this godly experience. Now Sage has to give him that info, too bad for that homo.

I slipped into a tree and I fell eating sand. I laid there in shock. "Fuck my life." I gritted out as I went back to my knees. None of this has ever happened until I met that homo, walking around throwing curses at me.

I took a seat, helpless now. There was no end. It was the same everywhere and my hand throbbed so badly it was probably going to get infected. Diseases, that's what I was going to get from this. I have never looked this nasty in my life....a branch-breaking made me go on high alert.

I sighed because it was just Rhys which was part good and part bad. Good for no attack and bad for looking at his stupid face with those useless shades in this almost dark forest. "Look who it is, the homo stalker."

"I'm two seconds away from punching you in the face." He pushed his sunglasses up in annoyance.

I sat back exhausted. "Of course any physical contact would turn you on."

"You're not as hot as you think you are."

"A homo in denial." Even if he doesn't say it he will always be. "No homo says no to this god."

He scoffed. "You're full of yourself."

"Is it a turn-off Rhys Homo Delano?" I took off the clothing from my wound. It was bleeding. "Fuck. This hot piece is in pain." I teased while looking the wound. This will need surgery, I don't need scars on my perfect skin. I was tying my wound when he just punched me in the face.

I was surprised that my eyes widened. I glared at him before standing up. I glared at him then punched him square in the face. "Don't ever touch me you homo or I will punch those shades off of you."

He stepped back, like threatening to remove his shades was something he was afraid of. "God you're infuriating."

"Don't touch me and we are good." I continued walking feeling my throat so dry. Too much blood had left my body making me weak, I was barely holding on from passing out. I needed someone to come find me right now.

He grabbed my hand. Before I could even say anything he started talking. "You're barely standing either take a break or hold onto me while we walk."

I yanked his shades off ready to yell at him for touching me when I have just warned him but all words washed out of my mouth when I saw his eyes. They were a different color. "What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?" The only words that left my mouth from shock.

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