Chapter 25

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

We took turns spotting each other in the gym, working on our legs until it was time to retire and our legs were shaking. Nether to say the competition was forgotten a long time ago and we just wanted to survive. The gym has never been this fun that I wanted to keep going except my bones and muscles were screaming at me no.

After that, we ordered some breakfast and coffee before going out to start the stakeout. I believe Cheko is up to something and in order to stop it I gotta figure it out before it happens. I was so glad I was not gonna be doing it all alone.

We had been laughing at a meme for the last five minutes. The air was so casual around us it was beautiful it reminded me of when he said 'You taste good' I swear my heart stopped for a solid minute. The way it flowed or the way he said it was enough to feel like my body was on fire. That comment alone made me want to kiss him and not let go forever.

I was seeing him in a different light because all my seventeen years I have received a lot of compliments. All built my ego and made me feel like yes I am that hot and I smell that good but when he said 'You taste good' it suddenly felt like the only compliment I have ever received in my entire life. It sunk deep in me. I felt like maybe I was making myself fall, he was no longer annoying but rather intriguing.

This was all a game, a bet but I am starting to doubt it. "I know we are quitting smoking but I feel like I need one right now." This was a game, it was a bet why the fuck is my heart involving itself into it. Another heartbreak is the last thing I need.

"Gum?" He asked. "We can't lose on the first day."

"Do you have gum?" I need to chew on something before I lose my head.

He sighed. "No." He pulled me into a kiss. "Don't have gum but kisses distract you from smoking." He said, kissing me again.

"Indeed." I went in and kissed him again. "Every time we feel like smoking we kiss, I like that." I pulled him into another one that was broken with the sound of a door being pulled open. "What the fuck?" I started my car and reversed it so I was a bit far away from view completely then jumped out. My father and Cheko shook hands before my dad entered his car with his driver and drove away.

I hid when Cheko's eyes looked around before walking back inside. "What just happened?" Rhys asked, completely confused.

I pushed my hair back. "My dad just shook the enemy's hand." I held the car in anger. "I told him I got this...what the fuck?" I felt so angry I wanted to pull my hair so I did. A thing I do whenever I am frustrated, like it would help me think harder.

"Calm down." He pulled my hands out of my hair and pulled me into a hug. "Breathe." He said softly as he rubbed my back. "Now talk to me."

I felt a bit calm, I tried to pull at my hair again but Rhys took my hand into his. "If Pasha finds out about this he will kill us." I voiced out, frustrated.

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