Chapter 68

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

We've been in Greece for six days now and it's been the most fun I've had in a while. I feel more connected to Kaisen than I ever have. Our communication has been better and it has made our love stronger.

The first morning we were here we had breakfast and stayed in all day, cuddling. It's something that we have done a lot recently. I enjoy his company so much that sitting inside doing nothing but holding him and listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat is fun.

That night he surprised me with a sunset cruise and dinner. He booked the entire ship and even hired extra chefs to make me traditional Mexican meals. It was definitely one of my favorite parts of the trip.

The second day we spent at a private beach by our villa. I somehow convinced him to have sex on the beach.  Definitely not talking about the drink, and as hot as it sounds it's definitely not something I'd do again. We had sand everywhere. It didn't bother us in the moment but after we came down from our highs I was instantly uncomfortable.

We had sand in our hair and it was sticking to our bodies. I don't like sand when I'm not sweaty and horny. I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea, but it was an experience I'll never forget.

The third day was spent trying Greek dishes. I couldn't pronounce some of them but I'd definitely fly back to Greece just to get more food. We ate so much that we were stuck in our rooms for the rest of the day, sleeping.

Day four was not my favorite day by a long shot, but it was an activity I suggested. We went bike riding on a trail with amazing views. The only thing I hated was how unfit I had become. My legs were so sore I couldn't even ride back to the hotel.

Thankfully my amazing boyfriend came to my rescue and let me get on the back of his bike as he drove us back. When we got back he ran me a hot bath with vanilla scented bath bombs then gave me the best massage I have ever had.

Day five was spent shopping. Kaisen tried on almost everything and we were barely able to carry everything out. Despite that it was fun. I enjoyed seeing the smile on Kaisen's face as he tried on new clothes. I used to hate shopping, but that smile makes me love shopping as much as I love Lightening McQueen.

When we were back at the hotel we got changed and went to a lake cave for a few hours. It was a beautiful sight and we were alone the entire time which made it even better.

I then surprised Kaisen with tickets to the spa because I had absolutely no idea how to do massages. I have been looking online for lessons so I can surprise him with awesome massages but until then we're doing weekly couple spa sessions. It's really relaxing and a way for us to spend time with each other.

I opened the front door and sat my keys down as I took my jacket off. "Hi baby. How was your day?" I asked, taking my shoes off, not looking at him. I'd been gone all day, running errands. It was the first day that we'd been apart since we got here. He didn't respond so I finally looked at him. "Wha-" I stopped as I was in the middle of taking off my other shoe and just stared at him. "Kaisen are you-"

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