Chapter 10

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I was laughing my ass off. I hacked into Kaisen's tech filled house and fucked with him in the best way possible. My favorite part was when he was losing oxygen but still found time to curse me out.

I made sure he ended up in the middle of the desert, sunburnt as shit. Hopefully he decides to come to school so we can all see how stupid he looks. I chuckled, replaying the video again.

A knock at my door made me pull my eyes from the screen. I sighed and paused the video. "Come in."

"Everything is in place for Tuesday." Khari looked up from his tablet. "Are you sure you want to go...alone?"

While hacking into his tech I overheard him talking with someone about a shipment and got an even better idea to go there and fuck with that. I'm not exactly sure what the shipment is, I just have the time and location. As well as the knowledge that he will be there by himself.

I nodded. "I'll be fine." I gave my full attention to Khari. "How's Sage?"

"He's good. You know it's nothing personal...he just really feels like he betrayed you. Sleeping with your best friend's enemy is pretty...fucked."

"I don't care about that anymore! He's my best friend he could sleep with my dad for all I care....okay well maybe not my dad but still."

"Why? Your dad is hot."

I stood up and grabbed my jacket. "We're going to his house. First we're stopping to get pizza." I grabbed my wallet.

Sage has been sleeping at his parent's house since he slept with...him. I can't even say his name. I feel like there's something he's not telling me. I'm going to get to the bottom of it today. With pizza, movies, and a nice heart to heart.

"While I'm in the restaurant, go to the gas station and get snacks." I told Khari as I unlocked my car.

As soon as I held the door handle I heard a click. I wasn't given a second to comprehend the sound when a blast sent Khari and I flying.

I could faintly hear Khari's voice. He sounded so close yet far away. Everything was muffled and the only thing that was clear was the ringing in my head.

My eyes were on the flames. It was so hot I broke into a sweat but I couldn't bring myself to move or even look away.

My car just got bombed. My favorite car no less. I watched as the metal of my car melted into other metal of the car, creating whole new pieces.

I felt something dripping down my head and when I raised a hand to touch it, my entire hand was covered in blood. I'm not sure how long I'd been staring at my hand but I looked back up at the car and it was almost all melted away. I felt someone pulling me back but my eyes stayed on the flames.

Whoever did something like this is going to pay, with their life. I was already thinking about what my revenge would be. Who is bold enough to do this? I love very few things more than I love myself and my car is one of those things.

Someone knocked on my door then entered a few seconds later. Everything that happened after the explosion was really a blur but I faintly remember getting checked out by our doctor, Taylor.

"Hello young master, how are you feeling?" Taylor asked, flashing a light in my face.

"Fine." I pushed her hand away. "When can I go? I have business to do."

"As stubborn as ever, yeah?" She smiled, grabbing her clipboard. She flipped through it before landing on a page. "You have a concussion. You can leave Monday."

"Monday?!" I yelled.

"Yes sir. With any other patient I'd give them some medicine and send them home on bed rest, but you don't listen and are as stubborn as a mule. I'd have to watch over you myself."

I groaned. "Come on, Taylor. You know I wouldn't do anything too crazy."

Taylor cracked a smile. "I've been stitching your wounds all of your life, which is exactly why I know you would do something crazy."

It was only when I rolled my eyes that I realized that I wasn't wearing my glasses. Taylor sighed, handing me some shades. "I don't understand why you hide your eyes. They're beautiful."

I hummed, not wanting to talk about my abnormal eyes any longer. I hate them. There's nothing more to say.

"So what am I supposed to do about school? I have track and I also have to keep up with my grades." I need to get out of here earlier than Monday. If I get out Monday I'd only have one day to prepare for that shipment Kaisen has coming. I want to blow something up, though I doubt I can do that without starting a war. I still need to think of what I can do to fuck with him.

"I asked Khari to bring your homework and class work by. I'll let you stay awake a few hours a day but other than that you're sleeping. It's common misconception that people with concussions should stay awake-"

"Yes yes they're supposed to get as much sleep as possible. Do you forget that I'm in here at least twice a month?"

She smiled. "How could I forget about my favorite headache? As for the track, light exercises only." She glared at me, "and stay away from the cigarettes. I keep telling you it's not good for you, especially if you're running track. You need all of the oxygen you have."

She handed me some pills. "Take this with water twice a day." I put the pills in my mouth and washed it down with water. "I'll be in here to check on you." She turned to leave.

"Oh!" She gasped. "Someone sent you a card and this beautiful bouquet." She handed me a huge bouquet of roses and sunflowers, my favorite. "Do you have a boyfriend I don't know about?"

I grabbed the card out of the bouquet. It had beautiful fireworks on it and it was kind of ironic. "If I do, I don't know about him either." I laughed, reading the card.


My smile disappeared. This has Kaisen written all over it. He blew up my car...and sent me to the hospital, but my car! I'm going to kill him.

It's not like I blew him up or his car. Yeah, I made him lose oxygen and all but he's alive and well...sunburnt but well enough. I won't be well without my car. My beautiful precious baby. My beautiful Rolls Royce Phantom.

He's going to pay, with his life. I want his head on a platter and I'm not stopping until I get it.

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