Chapter 28

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

It was Thursday and I have barely spoken to Kaisen. I wasn't sure if I'd see him today. I was already on the couch of my new apartment that Alex got me for my birthday. Calvin was in between my legs as I watched Cars 3 for the third time today.

The doorbell ran and I reluctantly got up and answered it. Calvin was by my side, barking at the door. He's gotten taller. I swear Dalmatians grow fast. I wasn't wearing my glasses nor a contact around the house and Calvin seemed to be happy about that.

I opened the door and saw Kaisen. "Oh. Hi. I wasn't expecting to see you today."

"I believe I am not late for your birthday- oh Calvin." He bent down and picked him up before inviting himself in.

I closed the door. "You remembered?" I asked, eating a handful of chips then falling in the couch to finish my movie.

"You need to get ready we have to leave in about two minutes." He spoke with all his attention to Calvin.

"I can't get ready in two minutes Kaisen. It takes five minutes to put on my contact."

"We won't be seeing anyone." He looked at his watch. "We are gonna have this surprise for only thirty minutes, let's use them right. Now get up." He pulled my hand getting ne off of the couch.

I pushed my chips in his hand. "Don't eat them." I said before going to get ready. I washed my hands to get rid of the chip dust then brushed my teeth as I picked up a hoodie I stole from Kaisen and black jeans.

For the first time in forever I was wearing grey hoodie instead of a black one. I decided to wear grey converse. I finished brushing my teeth then went back in the living room with Kaisen. "Can we take Calvin?"

"No, he can't go where we are going." He handed him back. "Let's drop him off somewhere you can trust." He walked to the door and pulled it open.

I sighed and grabbed his doggy bag. "I can leave him with my sister."

"Let's go." He was in a rush that within seconds we had reached his car and within minutes Calvin was at my sister's place before he started driving away toward a place I didn't know. "Come inside." He jumped out of his car and before I could close my side he pulled me in. "Close your eyes."

I was confused but closed them anyway. "Why are we in a rush?" I asked.

"Because I am excited." He held his hands over my eyes then walked me slowly. "Now."

I opened my eyes and gasped. I turned to him. "You- did you- how?"

"Is it the one?" He hugged me from the back. He somehow got the Lightening McQueen car I wanted. I wasn't able to get it custom made due to copyright issues. They had a display car made, but it was to promote the movie. Where did he get this?

I nodded, excitedly. "How'd you find it?"

"Not important, we have now 26 minutes with it. Aren't you going to go inside?"

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