Chapter 22

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

"Seeing as you don't have any medical issues that would cause this, I'd say it's due to low arousal to your partner." She flipped through the pages on her clipboard. "Try learning new self stimulation techniques."

I frowned. "You want me to masturbate?"

"You're a teenager Rhys...masturbation is normal. You're already having sex and passed all std tests how hard can it be?"

"I'd make a sex joke but I don't think it's appropriate. Does it have to be done by me or can I go find a puta callejera (street whore)?"

"I don't recommend finding a prostitute, but you can try doing it with someone you trust. Maybe that guy who sent you flowers."

I jumped off the exam table. "This conversation is over. I'll find someone to suck my dick."

"Someone you're attracted to!" She yelled after me.

I was attracted to Annalise. Then I was suddenly unable to cum. That wasn't my fault. Now I fucking have these stupid problems.

Kaisen and I haven't talked for a week. I'm not sure what he's doing and I don't care. I've been busy myself. With track, school, the mafia, and trying to find a cure for my dick. It's painful.

I've also been somewhat avoiding Kaisen in case he decides he wants another handjob and I can't cum. Last time he ran away angry for reasons I don't know.

I'll try the whole self pleasure bullshit first and if that doesn't work I'm getting Kaisen to suck my dick. Apparently I'm not allowed to have sex with anyone else while this bet is in place.

I hate rules.

What if I wasn't attracted to him? You'd have to be blind not to be, but what if I wasn't? Now I gotta sit here even longer without an orgasm. That time in the boxing gym was my last fucking straw.

What's worse is I could feel myself getting close and if we had just done it a little bit longer I might have. Other times I've had no desire to cum, but this time I did do something changed.

I picked up my phone and called Kaisen. The phone was ringing for a few seconds before he answered. "Are you busy?" I asked, cutting straight to it.

"You know, I was but since my boyfriend just surprised me with a phone call I am not." He paused and I heard something aggressively shut in the back ground. "Now I am alone, how are you?"

"Irritated for reasons I don't want to get into." That doctor's appointment pissed me the fuck off. "Can I see you?"

Without a reply, he video-called me and as soon as I answered he looked at me worriedly. "Talk to me." He was walking around until he took a seat in what looked like a pool bench. "What happened?"

I frowned, resting my phone in the phone holder. "Where are you?"

"In Russia, at a hotel. Wish you were here?"

"Yeah." I sighed before starting my car. "I ended up getting Calvin into a puppy daycare."

"Oh okay, where are you going?"

"Home.....or my sister's house. I haven't decided." I glanced at him. "What are you doing in Russia?" Explains why I haven't seen him for a week.

"Trying to replace Cheko, he tried to kill me but still wants to stay in business. I am tryna show him I can get in business with his enemy and throw him aside."

I hummed. I'm not apologizing for shit except for what I said about his dad. "When do you get back?"

"Tomorrow evening I will be back, need anything from Russia?"

"Yeah I heard they sell fresh dead bodies if you could grab one for me that'd be amazing." I said, sarcastically.

He started laughing lightly before blowing out laughing so hard. "I never expect the answers you give. You're not normal and it's not bad."

I laughed. "Good. I like the element of surprise...but I don't like surprises." I ended up going to my father's house and my playful side went away immediately.

"ID sir." Daniel asked with a straight face.

"I come here damn near everyday. I'm not in the mood for this today." I grabbed my phone and got out of my car. I tossed Daniel the keys. "Park it....gently." I looked at Kaisen and sighed. "How quickly can you get back to your hotel room?"

"Less than two minutes, why?"

"Start walking." I said as I made my way to my room.

He stood up and literally started sprinting towards his room. In no time he was in the elevator. "Mind telling me what this is about?"

"If you get to your room faster than I get to mine."

"I am already here." He pushed in his card then opened the door. "So?"

"I don't know why but I feel like you cheated." I huffed after finally making it up the stairs. "Maybe I need to work out more." I pushed my room door open.

"I used the elevator? Was this a race?" He looked at me with surprise yet amusement in his eyes. "You're weird Delano." He fell onto his bed. "Do you keep your contact on even in your bedroom?"

"Everything is a competition. It's fun that way." I rested my phone on the nightstand. "Bedroom as in sex or bedroom as in my privacy?"


"Yeah." I took my shades off. "Mostly. Definitely during sex."

"During sex? What if your partner wants them off?"

"I might take them off depending on who it is. I've always thought they were weird so no one has seen my actual eyes during sex."

"That's fine, whatever you're comfortable with." He looked at me. "Why were you irritated earlier?"

"It's actually not important now." I propped my phone up before sitting on the bed. "Let's talk." I said, getting serious now.

"Weren't we talking before?"

"Oh no I meant like actually. I have a problem and you're the solution."

"I am?" He pushed himself back and leaned onto the head rest. "I am listening."

"I'm horny." I said flatly. "I'm not allowed to have sex with anyone else. You're not here so a video call has to do."

"You are allowed to sleep with someone else you just have to choose not to do it. Rephrase your statement."

"I don't want to sleep with anyone else." I reluctantly rephrased my statement. He honestly didn't need to know everything. All cards are laid out. He's hot. This is happening unless he says no, which I hope to hell he doesn't.

"Now tell me what is stressing you out?"

"While I jerk off? Sure." I agreed. "Take off your shirt."

He smiled. "Your hand will do, see you soon." Then hung up on me.

"That fucking bitch." I threw my phone. If I die pent up I will haunt him. Actually I'm to kill him now and jerk off on his grave.

He's dead to me. Completely dead. Like really dead. Totally dead. I just want to- I screamed.

Why did I think he was the solution? He's not even hot. He's ugly. Just completely ugly. Him and his stupid ugly abs and- I was so angry I could cry. That stupid fuck.

"FUCK YOU KAISEN HILL!" I yelled so loud I hoped he heard me in Russia.

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