Chapter 6

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I was fucking livid. Kaisen thinks he can come in and do whatever he wants. First he kidnaps me then he has the nerve to point a finger gun at me? I'm going to fucking kill him.

I had already went to Anna's house and she wasn't there. I was going to keep my promise of Anna riding my dick. Of course he ran scared and got to her before I could.

I tracked Anna's phone and was lead to a really fancy penthouse. I'm not surprised that the place was heavily guarded, but the guards were amateurs and could be taken out without me breaking a sweat.

I walked in the house like I owned it. All confidence, no fear. Anna was wearing a beautiful dress that hugged her body perfectly. She sat at a table with Kaisen in front of her they smiled and laughed like the perfect couple.

I cleared my throat. "I see you didn't save a spot for me." I said with fake sadness in my voice.

Kaisen stood up with a look of pure shock right before anger took over. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?"

"You invited me...remember?" I walked closer.

"What is going on?" Anna looked between us as she took steps away but our eyes were on with each other.

"When did you're a stalker? What did I expect from someone like you? Integrity?" He scoffed.

I doubled over in laughter. "Wait- wait so-" I laughed. "So it's okay for you to kidnap me but it's not okay for me to do something in return?" I laughed even harder. "That's fucking insane!"


"Keep your mouth shut." He snapped at Anna. "This was all your fault, you couldn't keep your pants on for this loser." He pointed at me with disgust as if just my sight would kill him. "Why him, like Kaisen Hill for this...Delano. This nasty rat." He spewed my name with utter disgust.

"I told you baby, my dick's better."

"Is that all you can show for yourself? You call that a boost, an ego for your manhood, a dick is a dick but to know how to please someone is entirely different and I know you can't differentiate the two." He raised his hand pausing me from saying anything. "Now leave my goddamn house before they throw you out like the complete trash you are."

"Throw me out." I crossed my arms. "This will be entertaining."

He picked up his phone. "Get everyone close by and come throw this trash out of my house." He hung up.

"Kaisen you don't need to be like this. "

"Anna, you lost your right to speak the minute you downgraded to something like this."

I grabbed Anna's hand and pulled her away from him. "Are you okay princess?" She nodded as a I wiped a tear off her face. I pulled her into a hug and she sobbed in my arms. I lifted a middle finger to Kaisen, surprised he hasn't attacked. He has more patience than me.

"So you're going with him?" He licked his upper lip as if holding onto his last straw. "Oh go on, I guess I was holding onto a Delano slut without my knowledge. Trying to forgive you for slipping up with this inhumane being." he laughed sarcastically. "I Kaisen Hill will not stoop so low. Take it and you out of my apartment."

"Go wait for me in the car." I whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek. "I hope you sleep well tonight knowing that she chose a 'lowlife Delano' over a 'high and mighty Hill'." I looked him up and down with a smile. "I know I will."

"Oh, I will sleep soundly knowing a Delano was the second option after a Hill threw her out."

"Still as delusional as ever." I shook my head with a smile. "Sweet dreams, baby." I blew him a kiss before turning to leave. I heard shattering as I walked out the door.

I got in my car with Anna in the passenger seat. "Wha- what happened?"

"It's not important." I said, starting the car and driving off.

"It is! He's my boyfriend! I love him!" She sobbed.

I scoffed. "If you loved him you wouldn't have cheated. You love what he can do for you. Truth is you'll never be satisfied. Having two future mob bosses of rival families fighting over a girl is insane."

"I- I wasn't-"

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. What's done is done. I suggest you lie low before he actually sends someone to kill you." I glanced at her, seeing nothing but pure fear in her eyes.

"No- no he wouldn't-"

I rolled my eyes. "He's a powerful man. I might not be scared of him but you should be. He could kill you without even lifting a finger. Think about that." I parked in front of her house, turning to her.

She looked at me absolutely terrified. "Help me." She muttered.

I reached over and tucked her brunette hair behind her ear. I lifted her chin, making her look at me. "Our relationship ends here." Her brown eyes widened, even more tears falling. "You're on your own from here on out. I'm not willing to start a war over you."

She's not worth it. She hasn't made me cum in weeks and getting involved with someone like Kaisen isn't smart. I know that but he's so full of himself, thinking he's better than everyone else. I can see why my great great great great grandfather didn't like the Hills if they're all like this.

Somebody needs to put him in his place, but I'm not going to keep dragging Anna into it. I'm also not willing to start a war....again. We both got our lick back and this should be the end of it.

"Have a nice life." I kissed her on the cheek. I watched as she walked into the house before I drove off. This is the end of all of that meaningless fighting over a girl....right?

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