Chapter 24

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

Holy fucking shit. I finally came. It felt better than good. What's better than good? Amazing? I don't know I feel like there's a better word to describe that feeling.

Should I be worried that I had the best orgasm of my life with Kaisen? That's something to be worried about...right?

We'd been laying here in silence for about two hours. I wasn't sure what to say. He was still holding onto me and the feeling was foreign. I cleared my throat. "Hi." I wasn't sure if he was sleep or not.

He immediately jerked up upon hearing my voice. "Are you okay now?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Did I wake you?"

"I wasn't sleeping." He turned me so I was lying on my back. "I was waiting for you to feel better. You seemed like you needed it." He looked into my eyes. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah....sorry about earlier." I mumbled out the apology. I'm not good at apologizing because I don't believe I'm ever wrong.

"About earlier?" He looked confused.

"I came in angry and whatnot. You were just trying to be...nice." It's still weird. Normally I would've punched him in the face as soon as he opened the door but this time I actually had a conversation with him. I still wanted to punch him but didn't.

"I hung up on you." He pushed his legs off the bed then pulled out his jeans, pulling them on. "I will get us some food." He walked out and my eyes followed his shirtless back until he disappeared. A few minutes later he walked in with Mac and cheese, he handed me the plate and then rested the wine bottle on the nightstand with the glasses. He resumed his position in bed, poured some wine then handed me a glass with a light smile.

"Why?" I finally asked. "Why did you hang up on me?"

He rested his glass down then took the plate from my hands "Mostly because I wanted it to be physical." He took the first bite of the food and moaned. "Fuck, this is good." He handed me the plate. "Try it."

"Phone sex is good too." I huffed before taking a bite. "I was completely pent up." There's no way in fuck am I telling him that he made me cum for the first time in two months.

"I get it but I had not been doing studies to end it all on the phone. I had to make sure with my own two eyes." He took his wine emptying the entire glass before pouring more for himself. "I had to make you cum."

"So considerate." I said, eating the macaroni. "This is fucking delicious." I moaned.

"So good and I ordered so little." He picked up the remote and casually just flipped through his playlist before choosing the Beatles. "I will go shower." I was surprised when he pecked my cheek before disappearing behind the bathroom door.

I stared at the door. Did he just kiss me...on the cheek? It wasn't in a mocking way like our entire relationship. It was actually affectionate and felt genuine. I feel like something has shifted since that time on the island.

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