Chapter 56

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

Somebody has a death wish and I can't figure out if it's Kaisen or Lina. It's like as soon as we get comfortable this bitch shows up.

At first I was mad about him bailing on me. The next day I decided that I also had a life outside of this relationship. I went to Khari's house and we played Just Dance against each other. The one who got the least amount of points takes a shot and the winner goes to play the next person. It was fun and I was having a blast.

Then my head went to Kaisen and I left early. He invited me to a party a hour before and when I showed up at the club the first person I saw was Lina. The next person I saw was my boyfriend and this man hugging on him like he was his boyfriend.

I did what any insane possessive boyfriend would do and I beat the ever living fuck out of him. My mind was still on Lina. Why the fuck was she there? He promised they wouldn't be in the same room with each other again and he has already broken up with me over her.

I didn't forget about the random man. I will hack into the clubs cameras and get his information. If people will just learn to keep their hands to themselves and not touch what's mine we wouldn't be here right now.

I was on my third cigarette but my anger wasn't dying. If my anger doesn't die, she will. I inhaled the smoke. "Answer the question."

"She didn't do anything wrong, we just talked and kept our distance." That was not an answer but rather an excuse.

"Okay." I stomped on the cigarette and walked back in the club.

"Can you stop saying that word it obviously means you're more pissed." He caught up to me.

"It means that I'm trying not to curse you the fuck out. How about we appreciate my fucking efforts in trying to be fucking respectful and fucking calm." I turned to him. "Because I am not fucking calm."

"I appreciate that."

"Okay." I smiled and walked away from him. I went upstairs and knocked on the security room. A security guard opened the door with an annoyed look on his face. I stepped closer and pulled out my gun, pressing it up against his abdomen.

"I have a very short temper and I'm not in a very good mood. Rewind your security cameras for me." I said, stepping inside and closing the door behind me.

He rewinded it with a shaky hand. "Stop." I said when I saw Kaisen and his friends sitting in their own private section. His friends got busy, leaving him there alone. Lina showed up but was stopped by security. I raised my eyebrows when I saw Kaisen tell the security to let her through.

She hugged him and my anger rose, but the hug didn't last long. She was about to get touchy when Kaisen grabbed her hand and said something.

They then started laughing with each other and she leaned in. I was barely containing my anger. Kaisen leaned back, looking nervous.

He got up and went to the dance floor. I looked at another monitor and saw Lina looking at Kaisen like she wanted to devour him. When I looked back at the monitor Kaisen was on he was smiling, glancing at her once or twice. He liked the attention she was giving him.

I was beyond mad. I told him to fast forward the cameras and I watched Kaisen talk to his friends then watched them pull Lina out of the club.

I scoffed and went to my car where I found Kaisen leaning on my hood. "Get off my car."

"Let's talk."

"I don't want to talk right now." I said, pushing past him and getting in the car. He ran to the other side and got in the passenger seat before I could lock the doors.

"You're acting irrationally Lina is not a threat. Your craziness is."

"Why did you let her into your private section?" I asked, driving off.

"I like being liked. I used to love her and now she likes me but I don't and it's fun. Seeing someone you used to love so much, the person that rejected you want you is like...sweet. I know it was wrong but you should blame my ego and you know I have a big one."

I stopped the car in the middle of the street. "Get out."

"Rhys?" He looked at the empty street. "Let's go home and talk. Okay I am sorry."

"About what?"

"I don't want this to escalate like last time. I made a mistake, I will take her out of the country so that I can put your mind at ease. Okay baby?" He took a hold of my hand.

"Why do you keep protecting her?" I pulled my hand back.

"Do you trust me?" He asked calmly.

"With my life." I answered without hesitation. "Except when it comes to her because you've already proven you'd kill me for her."

"I wouldn't." He took my hand again. "If she did anything wrong I would shoot her myself but she hasn't and I don't think she will. If you trust me, trust that I love you with all my heart and that all of this with Lina is nothing to get hung up on."

"Okay." I drove home without another word to him. I parked in the parking lot. "Go upstairs I'll be up in a minute." He looked at me for a second before getting out of the car.

I waited until he went in before I drove off. My phone was connected to the Bluetooth and to distract myself I played music. The first song that played was 'Lose Control' by Teddy Swims.

I mumbled through the first few verses before screaming the chorus at the top of my lungs as I turned the volume to max. "I'm fallin' apart right in front of you, can't you see?! I lose control!" I gripped the steering wheel and accelerated.

I needed something to clear my mind. He likes being liked. What the fuck. What am I supposed to do about that?

He wants to be liked by her because she rejected him. The only logical solution is to kill her, but I'm not sure what'll happen to our relationship if I do. He's already proven that he's willing to shoot me over her.

I slowed down and went to the gas station. I filled my car with gas then got in the car and headed to the race track.

'Girl Crush' by Little Big Town was the next song to play. It made me think about Lina. I hate her. I hate how touchy she is. I hate that she was his first love. I hate how much control she has over him. I hate that he wants her.

"I want her long brown hair. I want her magic touch. Yeah, 'cause maybe then, you'd want me just as much." I sang with a sob and heavy heart. "I've got a girl crush..." I sighed.

I needed to breathe. I pulled into the track and got out of my car. I fell to my knees, crying as the music blasted through my speakers.

I believed he wasn't in love with her because I couldn't lose him. He's still protecting her but keeps telling me he loves me. Shouldn't I just leave and let them be together because it's obviously what they both want.

I'm just in the way of their love story. I'm hurting him and his happiness by staying. Is it even worth it anymore?

'First loves never last.' Kaisen's words replayed in my head.

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