Chapter 9

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

How the fuck did he know about my dad? That is something no one and absolutely no one knows about. I glanced at both Jay and Adam. They couldn't have said a thing when they also know little to no information about it.

All they knew was that my dad was sick, not that he might die because we couldn't find the illness. "I need to be alone." I got out of the car alone and made my way to the elevators. They took me to my level and as I got out I found Anna waiting for me. "What are you doing here?" I said with a little bit of annoyance.

I should have taken her thumb out of my security system. Maybe that is how she got her boyfriend into my apartment last time. I picked up my phone and texted a technician to come do it as soon as possible. "I want us to talk-"

"Hush...there is nothing to talk about. I am done with you-"

"Kais listen to me, he manipulated me. I-"

"Anna." I walked closer to her holding her shoulders. "You said you liked us both. I moved on because I am not going to be compared to that mother fucker. So now get out of my house before you piss me the fuck off."


"I have not done a single thing to you Anna." That is a show of kindness to the year we have had together and all the fun. She deserves to be left alone in honor of that year. "Take that as a token of my respect for the time we had together, it was wonderful until you slept with him. I don't let things go quickly so watch out. Don't make me take a step into the person you know I am."

Instead of doing as I said, she kissed me. I laughed holding her shoulders tighter and pushing her back. "The day I saw you sleep with him was the last day you and me got any body contact. He is all over you so do not think that will ever change."

I held her hand and led her out, I closed the door right behind her not caring about her cries. After all that humiliation I had endured because of her, she thinks I am going to sleep with her again.

I knew that the day she slept with Rhys me and her were done. I don't forgive such shit at all, never. My phone started ringing, I walked over to it. "Boss, a shipment is in the making and the delivery will be expected on Tuesday around 5 pm."

"Got it." I hung up and took a seat on my soft couch, a really good investment. I have never regretted this couch because of how soft and comfy it is. I stayed on my phone checking up on some things that needed my attention before I ended up falling asleep.

Fighting my thoughts about my dad and how Rhys found out. He just showed how low he could get. By the time I woke up, I was in complete darkness. I clapped my hands for the lights to come back on but nothing happened. I stood up and I almost knocked my toe on the table. I turned on the flashlight before making my way to the manual switch only for it not to work.

I picked up my phone to call downstairs but then my phone heated up. I let it fall from my hands, the flashlight going off in the process. The lights suddenly came back on, and before I could even sigh in relief they were off again.

It kept on like that, it was hurting my eyes. I crouched down and picked up my phone. It felt broken and even if I could hardly see it with the flicking lights I could see the black patch on it, it was burnt.

It was a struggle to get to the door but I managed. I held the handle but it didn't work. I tried the thumbprint that works even if I didn't have electricity which also didn't work. I held onto the walls making my way into the kitchen where the emergency lever is.

"Ouch shit." I knocked my toes more than I could count and I was starting to get pissed off. I found the lever only for it to not work. "What the fuck?" I pulled it constantly but it was giving the same results. Nothing!

I walked over to the window and tried to pull it open. One touch hit me with electricity that sent me flying back. I groaned, my body still in shock. I could still feel it pass through me. I pushed myself onto my elbows, now kind of worried. This was indeed an attack and not technical. I crawled before getting up.

Trying to find another way out, the fire place turned on. I was happy cause it meant I could see at least something. That happiness was not long-lived because smoke or gas started consuming the room. "Fuck." Now it was complete panic because it looked like I was about to get killed in my apartment.

I ran to my bedroom picked up a towel and tried to make it wet but I had no water. "You're fuckin kidding." I held the wall in frustration. But I knew this was not the time to feel angry but rather try to survive. I went into my fridge and got out a water bottle. I poured some on the towel before wrapping it around my nose and mouth then started trying to escape again.

All my security was working against me and without electricity or with these blinking lights I could hardly work on them. I was stuck, completely stuck.

The phones are not working, the doors the water and I might suffocate any time soon. The gas started to fully consume the entire place. I pushed into a corner as if that would stop it from getting to me and it didn't. The wet towel could do so much, when it got close the smell alone made me start to cough and cry. Tear gas?

I tried to not suck it in but it was messing with my eyes. I crawled to my fridge to use some water my eyes were killing me. "Kaisen." Rhys voice echoed through the room. "Are you okay?" I could hear the mockery in his voice.

I glanced around, I could hardly open my eyes and my hands couldn't reach for anything. This was all this bastard's plan, this entire shit show "'re dead!!!" I yelled in anger if I have ever been angry today I was beyond livid. "You're dead!!" I held my eyes wincing at the pain, I was slowly running out of oxygen to breathe in.

I coughed the towel felt dry, but I couldn't reach the water. I lay on my back in coughing fits, the anger I felt had all disappeared as I started gasping for air.

Literally, this was not the way I thought I would go. It's so pathetic and humiliating that on my death stone, they should put 'died in a ridiculous way'. I will take that shit if I died here like this especially if it was because of a bastard like Rhys.

Kaisen Hill to die in this way was so degrading and the fact that this bitch won would keep me turning in my grave for eternity. I would make Satan lose sleep over the unfairness of my death. I tried to hold on but soon my stinging eyes closed.

I don't know what time passed but I woke up. That was good because I got a second chance to save myself from such a ridiculous death. I gasped for air while sitting up. I felt burns all over my skin and it took me even longer to open my eyes.

When I finally did the sun shone into them. I lifted my hand to shield from it and as my vision became completely clear I looked down and I was completely naked. I held both my hands on my dick while looking around, there was no one and it looked like a desert.

My skin was all sunburnt. Oh, I am going to kill this bitch today. That fuckin Delano is dead. "RHYS!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in anger. I dreaded that mother fucking name to the core.

He he is dead. So dead but first I gotta figure out how to get away from here.

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