Chapter 11

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I had to stay inside the house for a week just to get rid of the sunburn. Blowing up his car is nothing for what he did to my precious skin and let us not get to my beautiful penthouse. All my systems were ruined because of him, his stupid car is nothing and I am going to ruin him.


My skin, my skin has never looked this gross in my entire life. And ooh I didn't forget how he threw me in the desert naked, I had to walk for fuckin hours just to reach a phone and call Adam. Worst day of my life, the worst, I couldn't even show my face to anyone.

Looking like that I would rather die than go out with a horrible burnt skin. Even my dick was burnt that loser took this shit to another level I had to avenge myself. My precious body but since I can't go out blowing up his car had to do. I will definitely do more cause that did not work for me, that is nothing compared to what I went through.

I need his ass burnt like mine was. I need him walking shoeless in the hot sand...I almost cried in self-pity. That was torture, torture I have never experienced in my life. I would rather get shot than experience that again. A quick death could be nice, but that had hate utter hate all over it. That bitch hated me, I could never think of that for my enemy and he put me through it.

Days later and I am still fucked up thinking hard, he got to me. I would not admit that to anyone but he did. I don't even think I am ready to show my face to him any day soon, I am still embarrassed after that stunt.

I was butt naked. So who stripped me, was it him? Like I have zero shame with my body I spend hours perfecting it like any other person and I admit I have the perfect body. Like why wouldn't I...I am Kaisen Hill. I have nice genes and a perfect body. I was born from perfection and I came out perfect and I have come to fix that perfect to even become more perfect like...I am hot, like mother fuckin hot. Like a hand on the hot stove, no mistake was formed on me.

I have the angelicness of my mother and the masculinities of my dad. The perfect combination is soft handsome but beautiful...I fall in both categories and if there are more I fall in them all but now imagine all that perfection stripped naked and burnt.

It's a waste first of all but who had the audacity to do it? Was it Rhys himself or his goons? They had no right and whoever was involved needed to be stoned for even attempting it.

I need a bigger revenge...I hit the brakes of my car. Ugh shit I can't believe I spent my entire journey thinking of these stupid people. Rhys...fuck you loser.

He...he burnt me. I am still hurt. So hurt...SO HURT!!! He will pay more and more cause I am never moving on from this. NEVER EVER.

"Sir Kaisen." I remained in my car, not wanting to take off my mask. I am all covered with shades that cover the rest of my face and a cap to hide my forehead. My skin is no longer bad because I treated it, yes I have spent days treating it back to perfection but we are not there yet so I am hiding it.

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