Chapter 18

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I walked in Kaisen's math class with a single rose. It wasn't much but I planned on giving it to him. I spent over one million dollars on the roses last time and he didn't even keep them. It was a nice gesture to some, romantic to others, but for me, I want him to fall head over fucking heels. This was a game and I intended to win.

"Hey Mr. Maxwell." I spoke to the teacher as I walked to Kaisen's desk. The rose was behind my back. "Hi baby." I spoke, getting Kaisen's attention.

The entire class stopped and looked at us. He looked at me with a smile. "Hey baby, how is your morning?" He asked while closing his book.

"Would've been better if you had walked me to class like a good boyfriend." I said with fake sadness.

"Now that you've told me I will." He seemed apologetic, but I knew it was fake. "I'm sorry." He took my hand and pecked it.

"Won't do." I used that same hand and wrapped it around his neck, tight enough to pull him into a kiss. There were shocked gasps heard around us.

He kissed me back almost instantly while pulling me in even more before parting. "Will that do or do you still need more?"

I hummed. "Undecided." I revealed the rose from behind my back. "I was thinking about you." I said, extending the rose to him. Granted I was thinking about how I hated him and how I was going to win this stupid bet....but I was still technically thinking about a way.

He looked at the rose and his face simply started turning red. He rested his head on the desk I guess to hide his now-red face. The class started whispering to each other. "Is Kaisen Hill blushing?" One of his classmates asked.

His hand shot up and he took the flower from my hands. After a few seconds he sat back up his face still red and looked at everyone with a hard face. That made everyone shut up and mind their business. "Thank you." He replied his eyes finally meeting mine. "Too bad I didn't get you anything."

"You don't need to get me anything. I did it because I like you." I like winning. I did it because I want to win this bet. I hate Kaisen with a passion.

"You like me?" He smiled. "Sit with me." He scooted over and gave me space to sit in.

"I feel special." I said, sitting next to him.

"You gave me a flower, I feel even more special." He leaned his elbow on the desk and was about to say something when the teacher started the lecture. I watched Kaisen pull out a piece of paper and begun doodling on it, a second later he pushed it toward me.

It had a tiny cat with a flower in hand with the words 'for you'.

Before I could even catch myself I smiled and laughed softly. "It's cute...thank you."

"I'm glad." He then turned to the teacher with his pen in his mouth.

"Do you like math?"

"No, I am just smart." He picked up his book once again. He flipped through the first page and all it had were doodles. "I have perfected my cartoons from it." He showed me one page then pulled it back before I could get a clear look. He leaned closer and then whispered, "Only people in love with me get to see it all."

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