Chapter 47

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I have been laying in bed for a week now, almost healed but also not. It will take a couple more weeks for me to fully heal, I am sick and tired of being in bed it's suffocating me on all levels so I told Rhys to invite all our friends so we can have a party and they are finally all here.

I got up and put on Rhys' black hoodie before walking over to where the noise was coming from. I walked as slowly as possible because my torso still hurt like a bitch, right as my feet were seen in the room Adam yelled. "The sick boy is out!"

"You couldn't shut it, what if I was trying to sneak up and scare you all."

"With the way you're walking, you could reach tomorrow." I laughed while shaking my head. Adam is....he just infuriates me most times.

"I wish you never get shot." I looked around searching for Rhys. Where the fuck is he?

"He went to get some drinks." Jay spoke as if knowing who I was searching for. He came and helped me go back to the couch as the rest brought in drinks and snacks. Not later Rhys walked in. "Your boyfriend has been searching for you."

"I didn't even ask anything." I had to defend myself.

"Hi baby." He pecked the top of my head. "How are you feeling?"

My heart felt at ease now that he is here. "Sick but not alone." Everyone is here so I guess that is a good thing. Except for Ivan who didn't make it. "What kind of entertainment did you guys bring? I hope you did bring some."

"Board games. They came to entertain you." Rhys said, sitting on the couch next to me.

"We should put some risks, losers. What do they get?"

"Tell us their secrets. Get their messages checked." Adam suggested.

"That is too intrusive, I don't think everyone will be okay with it." I said, what was he playing at.

"I'm fine with anything." Rhys shrugged.

"Not just you, everyone should be." I looked at Jay who shrugged.

"I don't care." I glanced at both Sage and Khari to see if they were okay with it. I don't want this to escalate, all I need is a good laugh.

They nodded. "I don't plan on losing so this will be interesting." Khari said with a smirk.

"Okay, so that is settled. Let's begin." The first game we played was sequence. We were able to do it it with teams since Mia wasn't here. Rhys and I were on the same team. Khari and Sage were on the same team, then Jay and Adam.

It was more of a game of communication. Whoever got a sequence first or five in a row won but you also had to be in sync with your partner. Rhys and I ended up winning the first game.

"Adam your phone." Adam handed over his phone. "Which chat should we go into?"

"Ours" My eyes widened, those are my fucking secrets.

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