Chapter 65

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I carried him onto the bed then knelt between his legs while kissing and caressing his body wherever I could touch. I missed the feeling of his body, I missed how his skin felt. I pulled his shirt off and broke the kiss while pulling his sweatpants off too. I kissed his chest, his nipples, trying to get a taste of him that I missed so much.

This brought me closer to him, it gave me comfort in my heart that my Rhys was back to me. I can do this to him with a content heart and have him reciprocate my feelings without fear of anything else.

I moved back up and pecked his forehead with a smile. "I love you." I whispered. I pulled the lube and then handed it to him. "You gotta do everything." I was not about to prep myself like he did. Back then I had no idea what the fuck was happening.

Now I do and I wanted him to do it. "I like surprises too." Incase he changes his mind. With him I gotta keep an open mind.

He smiled, switching our positions. "No surprises today." He poured lube onto his fingers then lined one finger with my hole. "Let me know if you need me to stop...okay?" He said with worry laced into his voice. I nodded even if I knew I didn't need that. I trusted him to be careful with me and consider both of us in this situation.

I tightened my jaw as he pushed one finger in. He pushed it in and out a few times to get me used to the feeling before adding another finger. It felt like we were starting over again, but this one hurt a lot more.

He brushed past my spot, causing me to shiver in pleasure. "Do you need me to slow down?" He asked, slowing down but once again reaching my spot.

"I don't know." I said honestly cause I didn't know. "Just um...keep the pace. It's kinda weird." Rhys slowly retracted his fingers. "What are you doing?"

"Relax." He whispered while laying onto me. "It's going to be okay. It's your first time, we are doing it together baby."

"I know." I nodded, and he smiled down at me and then pecked my lips. He moved lower to my body so that his lips were almost close to my half-hard dick. I thought he was going to give me a blow job yet his lips moved even lower.

"Last time you asked why I bottomed. It's because of this, I wanted you to see me go through it. It can be scary." His lips moved to my hole, and he stuck his tongue out and licked me, I covered my face.

He chuckled but didn't say anything and I felt his tongue slowly penetrate inside. It was less weird than his knuckles. It was soft and it felt nice, he flicked his tongue inside of and I moaned lightly. It was sending shivers into my body, the lightness and tenderness of it washed over me.

I leaned onto the bed in contentment that even when his knuckles buried deep into me I didn't mind. It was not weird but enjoyable until he hit my spot. "Jesus Christ." The shock that shot throughout my body was so unimaginable that my hips shot up.

His right hand wrapped onto my hip and slowly pushed me back down before he put his tongue into me again and his knuckles massaged my spot, it felt so good. I held the sheets, unable to contain the cry of pleasure as tingles coursed through my body. "Ah fuck Rhys." His lips left my hole and he moved back onto top of me.

"Better right?"

"Um hmm." I nodded cupping his cheeks and kissing him once again. That was indeed better, it was like he understood exactly what I needed and handed it to me. He picked out the lube.

"Your choice, we upgrade or keep it to what we were doing and we will upgrade another time."

I looked at him long and hard, I was ready for it all. It felt weird at first but I was ready. "Let's upgrade."

"As you wish." He lubricated his dick long and hard then pushed his lube-filled fingers back into me, he moved them around, stretching me out a bit before directing his dick right onto my hole. "Breathe and relax. It's gonna sting."

"Yeah." His tip started pushing in, the stretch was already bigger than his fingers when he continued it did sting. His girth was that big and the more he pushed in the more overly stretched I felt. I kept on breathing throughout the pain.

"You're doing great." He pecked my cheek softly.

"I've been shot before. This is nothing." He only laughed before he finished pushing all the way in. Even if my eyes were watering it was still not that bad, I have experienced worse and that worse was the heartbreak but now here we are in this moment doing my first anal with him.

"You're really handsome."

"Thanks." My face turned red.

"I will tell it to you every day. I will give you all the attention in the world because you are my light." I smiled then pulled him down and kissed him, his hips started to slowly move. "No matter how many people say it. You're mine Kaisen and I will make as many shirts as possible, I will leave as many marks on your skin as possible so everyone knows. They can like it but not touch it."

I looked at him and if I couldn't fall even more in love then I would do that instance. I pulled him in again and kissed him harder just as his thrusts started picking up pace... "Ah darling, you're so sweet."

"No, I'm crazy."

"I know." He leaned into my neck and started leaving hickeys, I held onto his ass as he slammed into me. I pecked his shoulder with a moan, it felt so good. The way he went in and out of me "Fuck harder." He moved from my chest and looked me in the eyes just as he increased his pace. The eye contact made it more intense like I could see his soul as he fucked me.

My back slightly arched his eyes not once leaving my face, mine on his. The way his face reddened yet looked so hot in that position, his short hair falling onto his forehead made him so sexy. "You're sexy like that."

"You're sexy in both positions." I smiled, the sound of the bed and his balls hitting my skin increasing and so did our moans.

"I love the look in your eyes."

"I love the look in your eyes."

"Stop being silly." I pulled him down and locked our lips together. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"You better." I teased yet he only smiled. "Yeah, I love you the same amount." I wrapped my arms over his shoulders. "I'm really close." He gave me firm but fast thrusts that drove me nuts I had to hold onto his shoulders as he kept on slamming into me without any mercy. I held onto his ass just as blood pooled towards my dick and with only one firm thrust I spilled everything.

I held onto his body hard, still shaking just as he spilled deep inside of me. I breathed heavily with a smile. "That was incredible."

"See you were worried over nothing."

"If it weren't you I would have run and never done this but you handled it really well."

"Thank you mi vida (my life)." He slowly pulled out and laid on his side while looking at me.

"I think it's my turn to not be able to walk." I was already starting to feel it. "One time is not enough, fuck me again."

Nah that felt like an appetizer, I needed the course meal and the dessert. If I am going to be sick it better be three times so I have an excuse to be even sicker.

So yes technically this was a trap to be cared for more when I am sick because yes I am going to be sick and he knows me when I am sick.

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