Chapter 12

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I guess this was the wrong shipment to invade, huh? I'm fucked. My heart was racing, but I wasn't scared. It was more like excitement. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins...this is fun.

When you've been in the mafia all of your life you find joy in moments like this. That sounds insane, but it's true. It's the 'will he, won't he' thing that's so exciting.

After kicking Kaisen in the balls and making a run for it, I kept a reasonable distance behind him. He seemed to have a chance of actually getting out of here so I thought that was the best decision.

We can go back to hating each other after this. I opened the passenger door of his stupid useless truck and pulled him out, right as Dominic's gun went off. I grabbed his hand and made a run for it. I handed him a gun. "You owe me a new car!" I said breathlessly. God I should stop smoking cigarettes.

"Fuck you!" He screamed so loud he over powered the guns. His hatred was evident but too bad we were being shot at. "Oh fuck." He turned around and started shooting aimlessly. I don't blame him though, they were shooting from every angle. "There is a tunnel up ahead. Run!" He threw his empty gun down and started running.

"You have no survival instincts!" I yelled, running right behind him. I'm a track star, how is he ahead of me? The urge to trip him, just to get in front of him was damn near unbearable.

He yelled holding onto his hand as he landed into the sand. He rolled a for minutes. I saw the hill and ran down it, this dumbass was the only one unaware. I stood at the bottom of the hill and watched him with a bored expression. He reached the end of the hill, holding onto his hand then dived into the tunnel. Without stopping he continued running through the dark tunnel. I chased after him.

I looked behind us. The guns stopped firing, but I could see their flashlights. They're still behind us. We hit a three way exit in the tunnel. The flashlights were getting closer. "Left or right?" He looked at the tunnels, contemplating. "Left or right Kaisen!"

"Don't speak to me." He looked at all the tunnels before going straight. His hand was bleeding profusely but continued running.

I ran, catching up to him and grabbed the back of his shirt. I dragged him to a different tunnel. They'll expect us to keep straight and this dumbass decided to go straight.

I pushed him in front of me and took off running. I could hear them arguing about which tunnel to take. They split up and only two flashlights were on our tail instead of six.

I grabbed his knife out of my pocket and handed it to him. I can't see shit and my shades weren't helping one bit. We reached the end of the tunnel. "We need a plan!"

"I need to run." He breathed out while tearing his shirt before tying it on his wound. "Stop following me." He held onto his hand and continued stumbling through the tunnel, clearly weaker now.

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