Chapter 69

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I was so bored when I woke up and he was nowhere to be found with only a note 'Gone out be back soon' and a heart.

I took a shower with my mind screaming at me that there would be a surprise from him. He surprises me a lot and if not that he would bring me a bunch of gifts. He is like that, I give him one and he pours in like he knows I enjoy being spoiled with a lot of things.

When he came back we raced but deep down I wanted to know what he had planned. I was bummed when I didn't see a bag but then surprised when he pulled out a bag filled with pajamas and clothes.

A really nice surprise and I know he likes it when we match. His not-so-subtle possessive tactic that I see right through. I gave him my hand as we came up on the roof, feeling so excited about what this date will bring.

When we walked out of the elevator I was met with a trail of red rose petals and candles that lit up the rooftop. I smiled as I slowly walked through the path with Rhys next to me. I lightly squeezed his hand.

We didn't walk far before we reached a queen size bed facing a wall. On the wall there was a projector with Avatar showing. The bed had a basket of my favorite snacks along with a bouquet of roses.

Out of everything I was expecting this was not even in my mind at all. After the days we have spent on this vacation we have done almost everything but this and I could not explain how extremely cute it was and so warm.

I turned to him so out of words, what do I say with such a surprise presented to me like this. "Thank you." The only words that I could make out.

"I wanted to do something special for you. You mentioned Avatar being your favorite movie and since I've never seen it I figured we could watch it together."

"Amazing." I took seat on the bed, getting under the covers while pulling him under with me.

He smiled, pulling me onto his chest before playing the movie. "What's your favorite part?" He whispered the question as the movie was about to start.

"Shhh." I pulled him into me so that his head was on my shoulder, pecking his hair. "Thank you." I whispered.

He let a muffled laugh slip but didn't respond. His hand slid in my shirt and he started slowly rubbing my abdomen as we watched the movie. 

The tingles slid down my spine but I pecked him one more time as I focused my eyes on the movie, enjoying this simple time just the two of us. I opened up the snacks and the more I wanted them to make less noise the more they made noise, making me chuckle a bit.

I decided to open it all at once and started eating while resting it in front of him if he needed some.

He didn't grab any of the snacks but when I reached to put a chip in my mouth he took it and continued watching the movie like nothing happened.

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