Chapter 14

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

Yesterday was complete hell. As promised, Kaisen wore mismatched contacts. And as promised everybody swooned over him. Once again, as promised, everyone wore fucking mismatched contacts.

It's okay when Kaisen does it because he's Mr. Popular and contacts are cool. I was picked on for my stupid fucking eyes. Well, picked on until I learned the stupid self defense that we have to do because of the mafia.

I pushed my glasses up as I made my way through the halls. I was on a mission, looking for Kaisen. He wore those stupid ugly contacts once again today. God I hate him and those eyes.

"We need to talk." I whispered harshly, my eyes everywhere but him.

"Hello Rhys Homo Delano." He smiled.  "Are you enjoying the trend I created around here?"

"Can you stop calling me that before you make a new trend of picking on homosexuals?"

He smiled, closing his locker. His eyes looked so much like the ones I have had to deal with since childhood. I have always been insecure yet he is confidently wearing them. "The homos can fight back." He got closer to me. "What do you want to talk to me about Rhys bisexual."

"Let's go, hetero before I tell everyone that we're fucking."

He laughed. "For your information no one would believe I am fucking Rhys. We don't match, like my contacts." He raised his eyebrows.

"I am having sex with Kaisen Hill!" I yelled out, causing people to look in my direction.

He laughed nervously at all the eyes that shot our way. "No I am not homo." He looked around. "It's a lie." He sounded like he was trying to defend himself.

"So this morning was a lie?" I faked hurt. "Kaisen...really?"

"This morning?" He looked at me then silently shook his head. "We didn't do anything." He seethed then took my hand trying to pull me away from the crowd.

"So you're denying our love?" I said as I was pulled into the janitor's supply closet. It definitely wasn't helping anything since everyone saw us enter.

"You know it's a pleasure for people to think you slept with me." He folded his arms but I could see he was slightly shaken by my comments earlier.

"How so?" I crossed my arms, waiting on an answer. He thinks he's hot shit when he's not.

"Why did you just call me here?" he switched as if not willing to enter into any of that

"Obviously to speak about our sex life." I said sarcastically.

"Not everyone is homo Delano." He stepped closer, catching me completely off guard. He leaned in so our faces were close to each other. "Or you want a piece." He pushed me into the wall. "I can give it to you huh." He flirted and I couldn't catch if he was joking or not at how serious his eyes were.

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