Chapter 62

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

We walked out of the restaurant. Although dinner was fine, there was a distance between us as we walked to our cars. Kaisen and I turned to each other at the same time after reaching our cars that were parked beside each other. "Um..bye." I said, hesitantly.

"Yeah bye." He didn't move.

Before I could stop myself I stepped closer. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him into a kiss.

His arms naturally wrapped around my waist and kissed me back with the same passion but still a hint of hesitancy but as soon as I put my tongue into his mouth it all disappeared and everything felt like it felt when we kissed.

A feeling of normalcy.

This is what I missed. I missed us like this and I hate thinking it's going to end. I've decided not to think of the future and just live in the present. It doesn't mean that I fully forgive or trust him, but it does mean I'll be less uptight and on guard.

At any second he could find someone's whose attention he wants and everything would be wasted, again. I'm trying not to think of it and just embrace what we have now. Even if it won't last.

I pulled him closer. I needed absolutely no space between us. When this all goes to shit I want to remember this. I want to remember how much I craved this kiss and how much I wanted this so I can remember that it's all worth it. This will be worth the pain I feel later on.

He slowly pulled back but we stayed in each other's embrace. A tiny shy smile coated his slightly red cheeks. "That was amazing."

I nodded. It was everything I needed and more. "Um.." I buried my head in his shoulder, trying to hide my red face. "Do you still want to hang out?" I'm not ready to leave him.

"Definitely, yes." He sighed out like he was just about to ask but was too scared to be misunderstood.

I nodded and looked around. "Ice cream?"


"Can we walk?" I didn't want to drive separate cars.

"While holding hands?" He looked at me hopefully.

I laughed. "I was going to ask the same thing." I extended my hand.

"Good." He took my hand with a smile as we started walking hand in hand. "Am I supposed to get vanilla ice cream?"

"You can get whatever ice cream you want although vanilla is the best."

"Last time you took my wallet for that." He chuckled lightly as if remembering our date back then when everything was all about a bet.

"I was going to buy our ice cream so to prevent you from paying I took your wallet which you somehow got back."

"After you bought the ice cream. My mind was not on the wallet that day. I had just realized I had fallen in love with you and I was like...oh shit. I am so dead."

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