Chapter 30

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I feel like shit. Like complete shit actually. I've actually never felt shittier.

I'm laying in this bed cold as shit and I'm craving soup. I want the kind of soup my caretaker, Catalina made me and Riley when we were kids and got sick.

Thanks to Catalina I have the directions but no energy to make it. I was coughing up my life. This is not it.

Calvin walked in the room and jumped on the bed, snuggling into me. "Can you make instant ramen?" I asked Kaisen. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning.

"No, you wanted chicken soup and I am gonna make chicken soup." He sounded determined then walked out.

I rolled out of the bed, feeling pain every time I moved. I slowly walked into the kitchen to find him slamming my cabinets. "Kaisen what the hell are you doing?" I asked, holding onto the counter.

A bunch of ingredients were all laid on the counter. "You have everything." He looked at my cookbook. "I just can't find carrots."

"We don't need carrots." I walked over to the cookbook he was looking at. "That's the wrong soup." I grabbed the cookbook and traded it out for another cookbook. It was the one Catalina made and gave to me and Riley. "Use this." I flipped through it and landed on the recipe.

"Sit I got this." He brought out the pan and rested it onto the fire. He went into my kitchen and brought out chicken broth. He carefully measured eight cups of broth. He washed his hands then unwrapped the chicken breast and washed it as well.

He started chopping it. The way he held the knife was physically painful. He chopped it into four pieces and then threw it in the broth. He picked up the salt and measured according to the recipe. "Where are the noodles?"

I tried not to frown at the way he was cooking. "Pantry." I said and as he went to the pantry I glanced at the recipe then threw some spices in the broth before returning to my chair.

He came back, then measured the noodles as soon as the water started boiling. "Then we wait." He smiled while looking at the recipe. "I followed it to the t."

I smiled. "You did good." I said before resting my head on the counter.

He picked up two eggs and cracked them in, the shells landed inside the soup. "No...fuck." He tried picking them out with his fingers and ended up burning his hands. On top of that he held onto the pan burning himself up even more.

"Kai...what-" I got out of my chair. I grabbed his hand and wet a towel with cold water then wrapped it around his hand, softly pressing down onto it. "Um...I'm not hungry."

"I know you are." He turned to the pot. "I just ruined your dinner." He leaned his hand on the counter. "Sorry." He turned the stove off. "I will go buy from the store."

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