Chapter 40

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I walked in the lunchroom and my eyes immediately landed on Kaisen. He was sitting at the lunch table with his friends and their partners, laughing like there was something to laugh about. Absolutely nothing is funny. Did he not see his instagram comments? Do they not know that he's taken?

I went to his instagram this morning to see that not only was he in the lead, but he also had his comments flooded with people telling him how sexy he looked and how they thought he looked hot in black. One even went as far as to say he looked delicious. My boyfriend.

I hate when bitches don't know their place. They know he's taken...right? Do I have to put my name in his bio? It's corny but I'd do it. Or put my name in every fucking caption. I'd do that too.

I walked over to Kaisen and pulled his chair out then sat in his lap, my back facing his friends. "Hi everyone." I said to his friends but glared at Kaisen.

"Oh, I feel like I did something." He looked at me closely. "What's wrong? What is with the glare?"

"Phone." I held my hand out.

He pulled it out of his phone from his pocket and after unlocking it he handed it to me. I went to his instagram and clicked on his last post then went to the comments. "What's this?" I asked, holding the phone in his face.

"What am I looking at?" He gave me a confused look.

I frowned. Oh so he must get these thirsty ass comments daily. How fucking dare they.

I started scrolling and stopped on one that made my blood boil. "Who the fuck is Sara and why the fuck does she think you'd look better under her?" I asked, furiously.

"She is funny, isn't she?" He said with a laugh as if that was all nothing.

"Funny? Do you see me laughing?" I blocked her. She's not so fucking funny now. She'd be even less funny when I get her account taken down.

He cleared his throat after seeing how serious I was. "This is why you're angry, it's the internet people's comments are not that serious most times."

"No. No one gets to tell you that you look sexy in black. I say that."

"But...isn't it nice knowing your boyfriend is liked by many but only you get to have him." He spoke as if this was the best thing to ever happen.

"No cause they act like they can have you." I started scrolling. "Why are there so many? Are we instagram official? We have to be instagram official now."

"They want to but they can't." He wrapped his arms around me. "And yes we can be Insta official." He pecked my cheek.

"I wasn't asking. We absolutely will be instagram official." I huffed. "I don't like people...doing that. It makes me get this awful feeling that makes me want to rip heads off."

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