Chapter 16

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I'd been thinking all night of a way to get back at him. That cheerleading shit was completely embarrassing. The videos have already went around and I'm sure I was being laughed at. Of course no one would do it to my face, but still.

After hours of thinking of the perfect revenge I finally found it. What's better than making your enemy fall for you then completely crushing their soul and spirit? Nothing.

He's the one who made the bet and put the idea in my head in the first place, this is his fault. I was going to stop at nothing to have him fall for me. If that meant playing nice, then so be it. This is a game and we have the perfect kind of hate and competitiveness to do it.

I smiled. This really was the perfect hate.

I didn't dress nice like he said. Despite what he thinks, he doesn't control me. I wore my same black jeans and hoodie. I was just leaving track so my hair was damp from the shower and I had my gym bag. I didn't expect for Kaisen to meet me in the schools parking lot.

I walked up to him. "Couldn't wait to see me?" I smiled.

"Never let your date wait." He jumped off the car. "Get in." He opened the door for me. "Papi (Daddy) gotta care for hijo (son)."

"Okay that's disgusting...even as someone with daddy issues." I frowned. I think he let that stupid daddy shit get to his head. I handed him my gym bag and got in the car nevertheless.

"And who sat on whose lap?" He closed the door then put the bag in the backseat before entering the driver's seat.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my lap. "Well you're sitting in my lap right now." I said, grabbing his waist to pull him closer.

He tried to hold in his shock and clear embarrassment. He turned it into anger. "What do you think you're doing?" He tried to sound as calm as possible but he was failing.

"Letting my boyfriend sit in my lap." I looked at his red face. "You get flustered easily." It was more of an out loud thought. "I bet you wouldn't look half bad riding me." Another out loud thought.

"Let go." He held eye contact but the hidden emotions were peeking through loud and clear.

"Or what?" I pulled him closer. He was now sitting on my dick. I thrusted up to see his reaction.

A sound left his lips. He looked so shocked of himself that he immediately got off my lap and out the door like he was the flash.

I followed him. I wanted to laugh, but the moan he just let out may or may not have just turned me on. Just a little bit though. "Where are you going?" I asked, looking around the empty parking lot. It was well after school hours and we were the only ones here.

"I needed some oxygen since you filled the car with your stinking gas." I had no idea what the fuck that meant, but he turned around and started back walking to the car so I didn't say anything. He opened the door once again. "And you didn't dress nice."

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