Chapter 15

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Kaisen's pov

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Kaisen's pov

We were rewatching Rhys as he did his cheer. We laughed falling so hard we were coughing from choking. With his well-shaven muscular legs in that skirt, he did pull it off but not in the kind of way a woman would. What was funny though was his cheer, how enthusiastic he was about all of the cheers. It made me wish he did cheer like that every single day.

"Does this make up for the desert thing?" Adam asked as if that was a question. Bitch messed with my body of course nothing makes up for that at all.

"No, it was just for fun. I will indeed throw him into the desert one of these days." The way my body stung is still fresh in my head and definitely not okay at all.

"Kaisen...look." I turned to find Rhys approaching wearing his usual jeans yet for some reason all I saw were those cheer skirts and pom poms. Maybe I should have gone as far as giving him pony tails.

"Oh look, it's my cheer captain. Where is the skirt Rhys?" I mocked, I didn't even wonder why Rhys was making his way to us in the first place when he should be avoiding us.

"I left it at home." He stepped closer. "Would you like to see me in it again papi (daddy)?"

Adam raised his eyebrow in surprise. "Can you leave us?" This now seemed like a conversation he shouldn't be around for. I watched him leave then turned to Rhys "Some things don't need to be shared, they are sacred to only papi (daddy)." I winked.

He rolled his eyes. "I only call you that because you act like you're my father. Don't let it go to your head." He looked down and licked his lips. "...or make your dick hard."

I faked a gasp while sitting back with my legs spread open and my elbows leaned back. "I didn't know you needed a father and a daddy, I can be both. Now come sit on my lap son." I tried too hard to keep my smile down.

"Oh don't say that I have major daddy issues." He said, actually sitting on my lap. I didn't expect him to.

I gasped pushing him away, I actually wasn't expecting him to. I shivered in shock, standing up and fixing my clothes. "I didn't think you had the balls for that but now I see you do." I looked at him after getting my composure back, that shocked the living hell out of me and I didn't know if he was joking or not. "What did you want?"

"That bet. Let's do it. The loser does what the other wants....forever."

"What bet, we are done with the bet."

"My memory isn't the best, but in the supply closet you bet that I would fall in love with you. I highly doubt that so let's make this bet real. What are the stakes?"

"I see you want that skirt once again so bad." I sat back down again with a sigh while looking up at him. What is worse than making your worst enemy give you their heart? "Okay, you're already homo how hard can it be?"

" are we doing this?"

"We are officially dating." I replied. "And everyone that dates me falls in love Rhys." I was not worried at all. He already likes guys and guess what I am straight so that will be impossible for him.

"Dating with all of the benefits?" He asked with a hum.

"Oh, you want to go sexual?" I laughed at the realization. "So you did want me all along, here I am handing myself to you just like that." I clicked my tongue disappointed in myself a bit. "How lucky are you Rhys Delano, you have just got me as your boyfriend. I bet you're about to yell it out to the world."

"So you want everyone to know we're dating?"

"You want to keep this a secret?" I pointed at myself, I knew he wanted to show me off to everyone. I got off the chair while pulling out a gum putting it into my mouth and chewing onto it. I walked over to him, cupped his cheeks, and kissed him while pushing my tongue into his mouth slipping the gum in them. "My first gift as your boyfriend."

The kiss reminded me of the one we had in the closet and even if I played it kind off well it was nice but that was because I am such a good kisser so basically I turned myself on.

"Half chewed gum." He said, chewing on the gum. "I'd hate to see what the rest of your gifts look like."

"Clothes." I laughed at myself but it was the truth.

"Good thing I came prepared." I was confused until I saw two people come with two big bouquets of roses. It was so big that they looked like they struggled to hold it. It had to have been at least one hundred in each bouquet. "I guess I'll be getting better gifts too."

Rhys handed me a rose from the bouquet. I looked at them then at him, I felt my face burn up in embarrassment. "Flowers? That is your best gift?" No one has ever given me flowers. He is my enemy and he is gifting me with flowers obviously to degrade me in some way. I had to stand my ground.

"Never said it was my best gift, baby." At this point we had a crowd. People in the school watched as a guy gave me two hundred roses.

"Stop it." I felt embarrassed I could hardly keep my eyes on anyone but I knew if I accept this kind of humiliation I won't live it down. So I looked at everyone that had gathered. "He wants me but I just said no." I looked back at him with a face that said 'Now take that'.

"No?" Another four hundred roses were brought to my feet. It's like he anticipated this. I looked in the direction that these random people were coming from. I was even more embarrassed now that the crowd was cheering and taking pictures.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I seethed but tried to hide my now red face from anyone seeing it. "Stop this madness...I don't want you!" I spoke louder on the last part.

"We can do this all day." Eight hundred roses were brought. It's like the more I keep rejecting the more they come. As if their que was to continue bringing roses until I accept. It's too much.

"How many are you gonna bring in before you stop all this?" Now he was becoming ridiculous.

"As many as it takes." Even more roses were brought. Thankfully although the bouquet got bigger, it was only two bouquets.

"I will call the police for...."

"Say yes....say yes...say yes..." I even heard one say, "This is so cute." Ain't nothing cute here.

"Everyone quiet down. We are already dating, I just caught him cheating and roses are not gonna cut it." Take that bitch, I smirked.

"You had a girlfriend a month ago...exactly how long have we been dating?"

"And as soon as we broke up you wanted me. I gave you a chance and you cheated. Do you still deserve a chance after groveling for the first chance you got?" I looked and sounded saddened.

He shrugged. "I guess I'll find someone else." He picked up one of the bouquets. "Does anyone want to date me?" He asked the crowed and everyone screamed out different variations of yes. Even guys screamed to date him.

Is he gonna play this like that, make this official like he can get anyone at any second? I jumped over the roses and in front of him. "Okay quiet down." I soothed the crowd. "He has been apologizing to me right now, do you all think he wants to date you?" Sometimes desperation is a killer. I glanced at Rhys and sighed while taking his hand and handing him the rose. "I said no because I want to be the one doing the chasing."

I leaned in and pecked his cheek before moving to his ear. "Tomorrow after school, dress well." I pulled back. "Dress nicely my darling." I winked before walking away leaving him with another flying kiss.

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