Chapter 66

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I'd woken up about an hour ago, but I stayed in bed and watched as Kaisen slept peacefully. He was truly beautiful. The sun peeked through the curtains, shining on his face like something out of a movie. The golden light from the sun paired with his tan skin and black hair made him look even more angelic.

I pushed a strand of hair out of his face. I caressed his cheek softly before pulling my hand back. It wasn't my intention to wake him, yet he stirred in his sleep. His eyes squeezed shut due to the light from the sun.

When he finally opened them I was able to see his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He talks about how beautiful my eyes are, but honestly I've never seen eyes as beautiful as his. Behind his eyes is a beautiful storm of emotions that tells you exactly how it he feels and when he's feeling it. It's mesmerizing.

Last night when we were having sex I was able to see every emotion he had. I saw the lust, love, passion, bliss, and trust behind his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

Everything is perfect in this moment. The way his half lidded eyes barely showed his dark eye color, yet I was able to see the happiness and love behind them and it made my heart melt.

"Good morning." I whispered, still breathless at the sight of the beautiful man that laid beside me. Even with his tousled bed hair he still managed to take my breath away in the best way possible.

How could I have been so lucky?

"Good morning indeed." He whispered before leaning in and pecking my lips. "Sorry but I wanted to kiss you." He made a disgusted face, motioning to his breath.

I laughed. "Don't apologize." I looked at him for a few seconds. "You're beautiful." I whispered, still taking in his beauty.

"Am I?" He said in a joking way before rolling his eyes. I was about to respond but he continued. "It should're always beautiful. Get creative darling."

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to let the pet name affect me. I'm not someone who particularly likes pet names but for some reason I don't mind using them with him. I also may or may not like when he uses them on me.

When he says darling I get this weird feeling in my stomach that makes me want to throw up but in a good way. It makes me want to do back flips but also hide under a blanket so he doesn't see how red my face gets. It's new, but it's not a bad thing.

"You're beautiful, hot, sexy, charming, enticing, gorgeous, captivating, stunning, adorable, pretty, and handsome. The look in your eyes is beautiful. It's also captivating. I can find a hundred different adjectives to describe you, but none of them do you justice. You're everything and more. I don't think the word to describe you exists."

He smiled before leaning in for a single peck on the cheek. "You're my only choice and being here with you again makes my life full." He pulled me into a hug then trapped me in between his arms and legs. "Let's cuddle forever."

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