Chapter 35

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

I watched him open the bracelet and then walk out of the party after giving me a single glance. I expected this, I expected rejection but it still hurt. I pulled myself away from the cake fight and climbed back upstairs while taking off my clothes and into the room that Adam had assigned to me ever since we were young.

I walked into the bathroom and washed off all the frosting from my skin. I took a shower so long that at one point I heard Adam calling out for me to go and join the party but I told him it was over. Kaisen at eighteen was over before midnight.

I walked out to find Jay and Adam sitting on my bed looking at me. "Any more games we should play?" I asked, trying to not get deep into the fact that I didn't feel my best. I was barely holding onto my tears but I knew if I let them spill I would admit that I was not okay.

"Why did Rhys leave like that?" Before I could answer a knock came to the door and it was Ivan.

"Sorry hey, Jay. Should we leave?"

"Kaisen is not feeling great can we meet tomorrow."

"Okay, call me if you need anything." He looked at us and gave a short smile with a wave before closing the door. I sighed making my way to the window and looking out.

"I lost the bet." I confessed. "Yeah that's it."

"You fell?" Adam sounded the most surprised. "Dude?"

"Yes, I know. I fell in love, and surprise surprise he didn't." I started drying my hair with a towel. "And after telling him he walked out, so yeah I didn't feel like partying. I need to be sad for a few days then move on." I exhaled. "Okay?"

"Okay." They didn't add anything. "We will leave you to it."

"Thank you." They both walked out. I chose some sweatpants pants then blasted really loud music before falling onto the bed and looking at the ceiling.

The first tear fell to the side of my face but I wiped it away and kept staring at the ceiling. Every moment that we've had up till now flashing into my eyes. Every sweet thing, I walked over to the table where the gifts he bought today lay. I picked them up and put on a shirt before going downstairs.

"Where are you going now?"

"To take these back." I went into the garage picking out one of Adam's cars before driving straight to Rhys' place. I knew the combination but decided to knock until he opened the door. "Hi."

"Hi." He stepped back. "Come in."

"Thanks." I walked in but didn't walk away from the door. I held out the gifts. "I came to bring these back."

He shook his head. "Please don't. I'm sorry I dropped the rest off at your apartment, but please keep them. I got them for you. Did you look at them?"

I nodded. "Thanks." I rested the bag down. "It was a good bet." I sighed trying to kill the awkward air.

"I-" he sighed then kissed me. He pulled back with a frown. "Let' friends."

He just kissed me, slightly raising my hope only to crush me that hard. I took in a deep breath and nodded. "Yes let's be friends. We've come to know each other and I know you're someone I wanna be friends with." I had to take it, take the loss and take the heartbreak.

The thought of everything he did being fake and leading us to this moment right here hurt the most. When he wore a shirt with both my name and picture I loved it, it had to be the best present on my eighteenth birthday and the phone case.

All so thoughtful and... "Can I take the shirt you made?"

He reached to grab my hand but pulled back. "Follow me." I followed him into the closet. He went to the very back and I got a glimpse at the code, it was my birthday. My heart pounded, but I knew it wasn't real. He probably just never changed it.

The door opened and he stepped in. "I got for you too...I took it out of the bag because I wasn't sure if you were going to like it." I got a glimpse at a similar shirt but it just had a bunch of pictures of Rhys on it.

I wanted to ask for it but wondered if it would be weird. I walked closer, taking the shirt I had wanted but my heart was at the shirt with his picture. "Is it weird if I take that one too?" The one with his picture.

He looked at the shirt and immediately turned red. He grabbed the shirt. "Don't say anything." He said, pushing the shirt into my hands. On the back read, 'Rhys Hill'

The minute he handed me the shirt I pulled him into a kiss before I could hold myself. I wrapped my hand around his waist and deepened the kiss, he was kissing me back and that is where I got confused. Does he feel anything for me or not? I pulled back but pulled him into a hug. "It's cute." I whispered, the shirt having my name and he was so beyond my heart.

I could not start to explain how beautiful it was, how it made my heart pound so bad. "Would you know if you were in love?" I left him with that question and then grabbed both shirts and the bag before exiting his apartment.

I walked into the car and drove back to my place. No one does such things for someone they don't care about or in the slightest love. I had a phone call from my dad calling me to his place before I got a chance to go see what other gifts Rhys got me.

I told him I would go there the next day as I was still busy with my birthday preparations. I drove to my apartment and saw another box. I quickly ripped it open to find boxing gear with signatures of Pac-Man, a famous boxer. I screamed so loud I thought I would lose my shit and I did. I lost it. What the fuck?

I picked up my phone and called him again. "Tell me how you got Pac-Man's signature?" How the hell? Like what the fuck.

"I told him my boyfriend was a fan and he was more than happy to sign it. Did you open all of them?"

"No, this one made me scream I had to stop and call you. Thank you." I carried the collection and locked it in a see-through drawer, that is not going in the ring any day soon at all. I went back to open other gifts.

"Rhys the fuck?" A championship ring. I fell back, flustered. "A championship ring?"

"It's the real deal. You like boxing...I thought you'd want one of those."

I sat up and picked out a championship belt, black and gold with my name signed on it. "Rhys!" By Mike Tyson... "Rhys." I didn't know what to say at this point.

"What did you open?" He asked. "Hold on." He hung up then FaceTimed me.

I answered showed him the belt that I had on my shoulder now. "I legit don't know what to say."

"Saying you like it is enough." He smiled softly.

I pulled out the VR headsets, they were in white. I smiled, closing my eyes before looking back at him unable to utter a single word. I pulled out the papers at the bottom and it was a lease of a boxing gym. "Rhys." My eyes widened. "No fucking way." I have received expensive gifts in my life but this, this....

"You like boxing...the gym in your penthouse didn't have boxing equipment." He quickly explained himself. "I just-" he looked flustered. "Do you like it?"

"It's a lot." I admitted. "But I like love it." I laid on the couch. "Should it be ours?"

He shook his head. "It's yours but I would like to learn boxing...if you're willing to teach me."

"You'rs already good enough, no training needed but we can practice together and have a match as long as you don't hit my face."

He smiled. "I have other things in mind for your face."

"Yeah, like what?"

"Kiss it." I softly gasped on air, I didn't know what was happening now. Was the bet still on or was it done?

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